Results 25 issues of Kevin Fenzi

From downstream report at: NOTE: orig reporter doesn't use github, so please use the downstream report or direct email to ask them any questions. "Hello, I see two issues...

The first time umdl finds a development/N repos it should also setup fedora N+1 for fedora and fedora-updates and fedora-updates-testing that just makes them point to development/rawhide. This allows users...

Some recent logging changes have resulted in mirrormanager keeping /var/log/mirrormanager/ logs, but it never seems to expire/remove them and they are not controlled by logrotate, they seem to rotate every...

We are now using pungi4 to create development/24 and development/rawhide composes. The layout has changed up as these are full composes now with all the images and metadata and such...

With RHEL 9.4, IPA has added passkey support. IPA: sssd/local: sssd/kerberos: