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Tools to automate simple manipulations and measurements of medical images and segmentations in nifti format.
NiLabels is a cacophony of tools to automate simple manipulations and measurements of medical image segmentations in nifti format. It is strongly based on and influenced by the library NiBabel
- Written in Python 3
- Motivations
- Features
- Design pattern
- Work in progress
Introductory examples
1 Manipulate labels: relabel
Given a segmentation, imagine you want to change the labels values from [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] to [2, 12, 4, 7, 5, 6]
and save the result in my_new_segm.nii.gz
. Then:
import nilabels as nil
nil_app = nil.App()
nil_app.manipulate_labels.relabel('my_segm.nii.gz', 'my_new_segm.nii.gz', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [2, 12, 4, 7, 5, 6])
2 Manipulate labels: clean a segmentation
Given a parcellation for which we expect a single connected component per label, we want to have it cleaned from all the extra components, merging them with the closest labels.
import nilabels as nil
nil_app = nil.App()
nil_app.check.number_connected_components_per_label('noisy_segm.nii.gz', where_to_save_the_log_file='before_cleaning.txt')
nil_app.manipulate_labels.clean_segmentation('noisy_segm.nii.gz', 'cleaned_segm.nii.gz', force_overwriting=True)
nil_app.check.number_connected_components_per_label('cleaned_segm.nii.gz', where_to_save_the_log_file='after_cleaning.txt')
Before cleaning check.number_connected_components_per_label
would return:
Label 0 has 1 connected components
Label 1 has 13761 connected components
Label 2 has 14175 connected components
Label 3 has 14373 connected components
Label 4 has 1016 connected components
Label 5 has 806 connected components
Label 6 has 816 connected components
Label 7 has 1281 connected components
Label 8 has 977 connected components
Label 9 has 746 connected components
The same command after cleaning:
Label 0 has 1 connected components
Label 1 has 1 connected components
Label 2 has 1 connected components
Label 3 has 1 connected components
Label 4 has 1 connected components
Label 5 has 1 connected components
Label 6 has 1 connected components
Label 7 has 1 connected components
Label 8 has 1 connected components
Label 9 has 1 connected components
More tools are introduced in the documentation.
is a python package managed with poetry and linted with ruff, tested with pytest
Other than the many TODOs around the code, there are two more things:
- typechecking with mypy
- migrate from cicleCI to github workflows
Licencing and Copyright
Copyright (c) 2017, Sebastiano Ferraris. NiLabels (ex. LABelsToolkit) is provided as it is and it is available as free open-source software under MIT License
- This repository had begun within the GIFT-surg research project.
- This work was supported by Wellcome / Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) [WT101957; NS/A000027/1; 203145Z/16/Z]. Sebastiano Ferraris is supported by the EPSRC-funded UCL Centre for Doctoral Training in Medical Imaging (EP/L016478/1) and Doctoral Training Grant (EP/M506448/1).