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An empty Symfony3 project that provides lots of ready-to-use tools for quick & not-so-dirty development

Symfony Quick Start


This project might have a better audience if I worked on it to create a CMS-like stuff that would do everything once installed. But it first aims to help myself: I don't want to bother install a login system and the many things required when I just want to solve a problem my colleagues, friends or I have.

This website helps me create useful and value-added things in a matter of hours instead of days or weeks. That's the point. As this project uses many well-known bundles, you may adopt it as well for the same purpose.

What is it?

This is the Symfony3 Standard Edition with some ready-to-use tools to get started quickly.

This project is based from my personal experience as a lasy backend developer. I create many websites (let's say, "tools", they don't aim to generate money so far, but more to ease my life). And the same tools are always required:

  • twitter bootstrap for having a decent ui when launching the app, and the ability to overwrite layouts using a wrapbootstrap template in a couple of hours if needed

  • a login system, it uses external providers (facebook, twitter...) to get rid of security matters (bruteforce, dictionary, password reuse and other kind of attacks)

  • and many other useful tools, like multi-language support, nested menu, improved crud generator, pagination and table sorting macros, ckeditor with image browsing and upload, htmlpurifier for proper wysiwyg rendering, useful form types (like recaptcha, markdown, toggles...)


  1. Install and run the project:
git clone
cd symfony-quickstart
rm -r .git
php -r "readfile('');" | php
php composer.phar install
php app/console doctrine:schema:create
  1. To use the login system, you need to get your client ID and secret on at least one provider:
Provider Setup URL
  1. Be enabled and admin! Once you created your first user, you can run the following commands:
# list your users, from here you can find your id (should be 1, but stay safe)
php app/console user:list

# enable user with id = 42
php app/console user:enable 42

# set user with id = 42 as admin
php app/console user:admin 42

Note that those commands are toggles, so running php app/console user:admin 42 a second time will remove admin privileges for the given user.

  1. Feel home:

Go to the web/ directory and replace icon, logo and image by yours.



Most of the features can be configured or disabled inside the app/config/parameters.yml configuration file.

I give you an example with how would be configured in a quickstart application.


    # General
    site_brand: twigfiddle
    site_description: provides a small development environment to develop, run, store and access Twig code online
    site_title: Develop, run, store and access Twig code online
    site_keywords: twig,symfony,fiddle
    site_author: Alain Tiemblo

    # Database (just put pdo_sqlite to switch)
    database_driver:   pdo_mysql
    database_port:     ~
    database_name:     twigfiddle
    database_user:     twigfiddle
    database_password: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    database_path:     '%kernel.root_dir%/data.db3'

    # Emails (actually unused at all by
    mailer_transport:    smtp
    mailer_encryption:   ssl
    mailer_port:         465
    mailer_user:         ~
    mailer_password:     ~
    mailer_sender_email: [email protected]

    # Choose flag names in: src/BaseBundle/Resources/public/img/countries
    # Implement translations in: src/AppBundle/translations/messages.XX.xlf
    # /!\ Do not forget to add your new locales in config.yml, below jms_i18n_routing
    locale: en
        en: {flag: United-Kingdom, menu: English}
        fr: {flag: France, menu: Français}

    # A secret key that's used to generate certain security-related tokens
    secret: ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt

    # GitHub Login:
    github_enabled:   true
    github_client_id: <your client id>
    github_secret:    <your secret>

    # StackExchange Login:
    stack_enabled: true
    stack_client_id: <your client id>
    stack_secret:    <your secret>
    stack_key:       <your key>

    # Google Login:
    google_enabled: true
    google_client_id: <your client id>
    google_secret:    <your secret>

    # Twitter Login:
    twitter_enabled: true
    twitter_client_id: <your client id>
    twitter_secret:    <your secret>

    # Facebook Login:
    facebook_enabled: true
    facebook_client_id: <your client id>
    facebook_secret:    <your secret>

    # User can only join if he has an email that matches the following regex (ex: '!@example\.org$!')
    user_email_restriction: ~

    # If you wish to create a private website but can't use the restriction above, you can
    # let admins enable users manually by setting this option to false.
    user_auto_enabled: true

    # When user connects using a provider (Facebook, ...), your app can synchronize user info (firstname, email...)
    # automatically. If you prefer your admins having the ability to edit user names, this option should be set
    # to false.
    user_info_auto_update: true

    # Website menus at the top
    menu_left_enabled: true
    menu_right_enabled: true

    # Members can remove their account (there are no explicit links in the application to do it, you'll
    # have to add a `<a href="{{ path('unsubscribe') }}>Unsubscribe</a>` somewhere in your app).
    accounts_removable: true

    # Recaptcha (if you wish to use the RecaptchaType on a form, you should set up an application
    # at and set your private and public keys here)
    recaptcha_public: <your recaptcha site key>
    recaptcha_private: <your recaptcha secret>

    # CKEditor has been integrated to support image uploads. To ensure that anybody can't add anything,
    # this feature requires a role. If you wish your users from the "writers" group to access this feature,
    # you should set ROLE_WRITERS here.
    role_file_upload: ROLE_ADMIN


You'll find here 3 bundles:

  • AdminBundle contains tools to manage the application (users, groups, settings, uploaded image galleries etc).

  • BaseBundle contains well-known bundles implementations as well as helpers, overloads and customizations.

  • AppBundle is a skeleton, it will contain your app implementation.

Try to never modify BaseBundle and AdminBundle by yourself, because this project regularly evolves and it will be easier to upgrade it. I'll someday export those bundles on separate packages.


  • This project is released under the MIT license

  • Fuz logo is © 2013-2017 Alain Tiemblo

  • Default image used on social meta tags is CC0