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Fast JVM launching without the hassle of persistent JVMs.
I'm randomly getting `rw(x)rw(x)rw(x)` permissions instead of umask-respecting ones from leingen when using drip, more often than not. \- Felix
I haven't located the source of this problem (and have run out of time to try and track it down), but I do have a simple reproduction recipe. Here's my...
In [iclojure](https://github.com/cosmin/IClojure) started normally on my Debian Wheezy I can use up,down,Home,End and other keys. But in iclojure started thought drip those keys produce some capitalized letters (and I have...
``` DISPLAY=:10 drip -jar clojure-swing-application.jar ``` It's OK, the window displayed. Closing it. ``` DISPLAY=:10 drip -jar clojure-swing-application.jar Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.awt.HeadlessException ```
It'd help immensely in figuring out what's changed from version to version if there were a changelog.
This will protect us from sharing the wrong JVM accidentally and make it easier to print better info in `drip ps`.
Would be nice for it to show which JVMs are idle, and which are running and their specific args.