Cameron Taylor

Results 39 comments of Cameron Taylor

Also I believe [FlxBitmapText]( seems to be broken? I just get black screen after the splash screen

The bug with `FlxSpriteFilters` demo where they fly off screen has a fix in this PR (drop shadow still looks wonky, but can put that as a new task)

also, anyone opposed to renaming the `FlxSpriteFilters` demo to `FlxFilterFrames`? There exists no class actually named `FlxSpriteFilters` (the demo page claims there is one!), the main class used in the...

this actually didn't work properly, I believe what's needed is some sort of Github token, since the default one provided via github actions`{{ github.token }}` doesn't give permissions to run...

would love to have haxeflixel stickers and merch, yes please!

gonna bump this with some things in my brain I think we can get a simple shopify storefront setup, which would feed orders to something like shipbob, which would take...

closed with #232 , where the flash versions are now dropped fully

PR #215 fixes - remove games that no longer have any working links itch svg is already in along with newgrounds I could also go about and remove the windows/linux/mac...

Highjacking this!!! I think sorting demos by - Alphabetical - Newest added - Oldest added - Sorted by their folder structure in [`haxeflixel/flixel-demos`]( github repo. (This should be default IMO)...