if you have too many charts in one project, it will cause the big size `index-cache.yaml` issue. The same as CPU spike when chartmuseum starting. their mechanism is by design...
`/path/to/internal/tls/cert` should the same as the value of `internal_tls.dir` in your `harbor.yml`, could you provide your harbor.yml file?
Based on your configs, you must run `docker run -v /:/hostfs goharbor/prepare:v2.0 gencert -p /opt/harbor/tls` before installation in order to generate certs for harbor components
the `goharbor/prepare:v2.0.0` is uploaded in docker-hub, if you can access the internet, docker will download it automatically. And this image also included in your offline tar file. If you can...
hi @robrosillo , we currently not expose Trivy related metrics. But it can be added in future release. Could you provide more details? like what kind of metrics do you...
The code removed in this PR https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/1682/files I think is the root cause. Because it cut the desired dir before check the file
Hi, we have a plan to support TLS for Redis and the database. It might be included in a future release.