anki-templates icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
anki-templates copied to clipboard

dark 模式的支持

Open Ruikuan opened this issue 5 years ago • 4 comments


最近 iOS 13 出来了,支持 dark 模式,我是 dark 模式爱好者,而 dark 模式下,现在的英语模板显得有点太耀眼了,所以我修改了下样式文件,做了一套 dark 模式的模板。现在我把它放在下面,有需要的话可以参考一下。

因为我自己不打算再用回 light 模式模板没有考虑双模式支持,不好意思。模板也根据我自己的需求进行了一些微小的调整


<!-- config & version section-->
<div class="section">
    <div class="bar config">Config
        <input type="checkbox" id="audio" onchange="saveConfig(this,'audio')">AutoPlay
        <input type="checkbox" id="fold" onchange="saveConfig(this,'fold')">HideHint
        <input type="checkbox" id="example" onchange="saveConfig(this,'example')">Example
    <!--  versioncsection -->
    <div id='version' class='item'></div>

<!-- front section -->
<div class="section">
    <div id="front" class="items">
    <div id="phonetic" class="items">
        <audio id="player" src="">{{audio}}</audio>

<script type="text/javascript">



<!-- back section -->
<div class="section">
  <div id="back" class="items">{{glossary}}</div>

<div class="section">
  <div class="bar note" onclick="toggle('note')">Notes</div>
  <div id="note" class="items">{{notes}}</div>

<div class="section">
  <div class="bar sentence" onclick="toggle('sentence')">Sentence</div>
  <div id="sentence" class="backlist items">{{sentence}}</div>

<!-- foot section -->
<div class="bar foot">
  <div id="url"><a href={{text:url}}>URL</a></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
  //customzied format function

  //hide hint based on config
  if (config.fold) {

  //sample function

//sample function


inspired by:

<script type="text/javascript">
  //declare global var config
  if (typeof (config) == "undefined") {
    var config = {};
    //audio autoplay = true;

    //hide or display hint section
    config.fold = true;

    //other config might be added
    config.example = true;

    config.version = '1.0'; = JSON.stringify(config);

  /*global card style*/
  .card {
    font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 16px;
    text-align: left;
    color: #d9d9d9;
    background-color: #1e1e1e;

  /*head & foot global style */
  .bar {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #455069;
    color: #ddd;
    padding: 5px;
    padding-left: 35px;
    text-decoration: none;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: bold;
    background: #455069;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 5px center;

  .bar #url a {
    text-decoration: none;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #d9d9d9;
    font-weight: bold;

  /*head style*/
  .config {
    background-image: url(_toggles.png);

  .head {
    background-image: url(_search.png)

  .back {
    background-image: url(_bulb.png)

  .note {
    background-image: url(_pencil.png)

  .sentence {
    background-image: url(_clipboard.png)

  /*foot style*/
  .foot {
    background-image: url(_cloud.png)

  /* section global style */
  .section {
    border-color: #303030;
    background-color: #303030;
    position: relative;
    margin: 5px 0;

  /* item global style */
  .items {
    margin: 0 12px;
    padding: 8px 0;

  hr {
    border: 0;
    margin: 3px 13px;
    border-top: 1px solid #666;

  /* front & back global style */
  #back {
    line-height: 1.5em;

  /* front field style */
  #front {
    font-size: 36px;
    color: #ddd;
    text-align: left;

  #front span {
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: middle;

  #front img {
    width: 36px;
    height: 36px;
    top: 6px;
    position: relative;
    margin-left: 10px;

  /* back field style */
  #back {
    font-size: 16px;
    color: #ddd;
    text-align: left;

  /* Tag highlight style */
  .highlight {
    font-size: 12px;
    border-radius: 4px;
    color: #f2f2f2;
    padding: 0 3px;
    margin-right: 5px;
    font-weight: bold;

  /* phonetic style */
  #phonetic {
    font-size: 14px;

  #sentence b {
    font-weight: normal;
    border-radius: 3px;
    color: #d9d9d9;
    background-color: #666;
    padding: 0 3px;

  #sentence hr {
    border: 0;
    margin: 8px 0px;
    border-top: 1px solid #333;

  /* version style */
  #version {
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 12px;

JS helper functions
  //hide or display hint
  function toggle(e) {
    var box = document.getElementById(e);
    if (box)
      if ( == 'none') { = 'block';
      else { = 'none';

  //save config
  function saveConfig(obj, item) {
    config[item] = obj.checked; = JSON.stringify(config);

  //load config
  function loadConfig() {
    document.getElementById("audio").checked =
    document.getElementById("fold").checked = config.fold
    document.getElementById("example").checked = config.example

  //delete HTML element
  function removeTag(tag) {
    var items = document.querySelectorAll(tag);
    for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
      items[i].outerHTML = "";

  //clear WordQuery output Format
  function clearFormat() {
    var ex = document.querySelectorAll(".explanation_box .text_blue");
    for (var i = 0; i < ex.length; i++) {
      ex[i].outerHTML = ex[i].outerHTML + "<br>";

    var ex = document.querySelectorAll(".explanation_box .explanation_label");
    for (var i = 0; i < ex.length; i++) {

      ex[i].innerHTML = ex[i].innerHTML.replace(/.?\[(.+?)[\s|-].+/g, "$1").toLowerCase() + ".";

    if (!config.example) {

  //sample functions: make cloze
  function makeCloze() {
    var bb = document.querySelectorAll("#back b");
    for (var i = 0; i < bb.length; i++) {
      bb[i].innerHTML = "____";

  //sample functions: highlight tag
  function highlightTag() {
    var colorMap = {
      'n.': '#e3412f',
      'a.': '#f8b002',
      'adj.': '#f8b002',
      'ad.': '#684b9d',
      'adv.': '#684b9d',
      'v.': '#539007',
      'vi.': '#539007',
      'vt.': '#539007',
      'verb.': '#539007',
      'phrase.': '#04B7C9',
      'prep.': '#04B7C9',
      'conj.': '#04B7C9',
      'pron.': '#04B7C9',
      'art.': '#04B7C9',
      'num.': '#04B7C9',
      'int.': '#04B7C9',
      'interj.': '#04B7C9',
      'modal.': '#04B7C9',
      'aux.': '#04B7C9',
      'pl.': '#D111D3',
      'abbr.': '#D111D3',
    []'#back'), function (div) {
      div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML.replace(/\b[a-z]+\./g, function (symbol) {
        if (colorMap[symbol]) {
          return '<a class="highlight" style="color: #eee; background-color: ' + colorMap[symbol] + ';" >' + symbol + '</a>';
        } else {
          return symbol;



Ruikuan avatar Sep 26 '19 10:09 Ruikuan


@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) 

来实现的,不知道 anki 是不是也支持。iOS 应该都是用的系统 Webview 实现,估计是支持的,不过我自己没测试过。Windows 版本估计是老旧的 IE 套件,不支持了。

Ruikuan avatar Sep 26 '19 10:09 Ruikuan

iOS 下使用效果: image

Ruikuan avatar Sep 26 '19 10:09 Ruikuan


TianMo-ZhangSan avatar Nov 14 '21 14:11 TianMo-ZhangSan

是的,用它导入单词。 不过老黄提供的 COCA20000 之类的也可以改改套上去

Ruikuan avatar Nov 14 '21 15:11 Ruikuan