Kirikiroid2 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Kirikiroid2 copied to clipboard

Android CI

Kirikiroid2 - A cross-platform port of Kirikiri2/KirikiriZ

Based on most code from Kirikiri2 and KirikiriZ

Video playback module modified from kodi

Some string code from glibc and Apple Libc.

Real-time texture codec modified from etcpak, pvrtccompressor, astcrt

Android storage accessing code from AmazeFileManager


Only Linux build script.

  1. Download third party libraries, and build these as static libraries.
cd 3rd

or download the file from release

  1. Open in android studio.

There are some steps left for a runnable apk file.

  • Using cocos studio compile ui/layout file *.csd. ( It can be downloaded from release)
  • ~~Some files from a real apk (unzip). Kirikiroid2~~ default.cur, fonts and some icons.
  • Fix some bugs because of incompatible version. (need to fix some bugs)

Now it is runnable, but still some bugs left.

Known issues

  • std::bad_alloc, a restart may solve it.
  • jxr, oboe and bpg are not supported.