nuxt-content-example copied to clipboard
📓 A blog example/boilerplate made with Nuxt Content
Nuxt Content Example
A quick and easy example of the new Nuxt Content and Components library
Check out the live demo at and the tutorial here.
Relevant documentation:
🚀 Features
- [x] Using Nuxt content
- [x] Using Nuxt components
- [x] Index and about pages
- [x] Posts page, which lists out posts
- [x] Separate page for each post
- [x] Custom components for page layouts
- [x] Style with normalize.css and custom styles
- [x] SEO with meta tags
- [ ] Include components in markdown
🛠 Build setup
Clone or fork this repository then download it, then run this command to start the development server:
npm run dev
Make changes in components and markdown files and see them reflected live in your website.
To generate a full static site, run
npm run generate
This will generate the static site in the dist/
Any markdown file in the content/
folder directory will create a new page. For example, try creating the page
with the following content:
title: Privacy policy
description: How our services value your privacy
This is the privacy policy for my company.
Save the file, and head over to localhost:3000/privacy-policy to view the page.
This page is being generated by pages/_slug.vue
<Default :title="doc.title">
<!-- rendering markdown-->
<nuxt-content :document="doc" />
export default {
async asyncData({$content, params}) {
// getting document based on URL
// if you're on localhost:300/abc, params.slug is "abc"
const doc = await $content(params.slug).fetch();
return { doc }
View the tutorial for pages and posts here.
Statically generate the site by running
npm run generate
This will create a dist/
folder with the site. I decided to host the site using Install surge with
npm install --global surge
(Mac users may have to run sudo npm install --global surge
To host the dist/
folder, run
surge dist
If you haven't yet created an account, the CLI will guide you through the steps. You can choose a custom *
Check out the live demo for this site at
♥️ Support
If you liked this project, consider supporting by
📜 License