react-native-sliding-up-panel icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native-sliding-up-panel copied to clipboard

React Native Sliding Up Panel

react-native-sliding-up-panel [DEAD FOR NOW]

Inspired by Android Sliding Panel

npm version

npm install react-native-sliding-up-panel --save


Property Type Valid Values Optional or Required
containerMaximumHeight Number Any Optional
containerOpacity Number 0 to 1 (e.g) 0.5 Optional
containerBackgroundColor String Hex Colors or basic colors like 'black', 'yellow', etc. Optional
handlerHeight Number Any Optional
handlerOpacity Number 0 to 1 (e.g) 0.5 Optional
handlerBackgroundColor String Hex Colors or basic colors like 'black', 'yellow', etc. Optional
handlerDefaultView React Class Any React Class with a view Required
allowStayMiddle Boolean true or false Optional


Method Parameters Method Description Return Value Optional or Required
getContainerHeight containerHeight Listening to latest final container height containerHeight Optional


Sample is in Test.js. There are two handler views that you can choose. For HandlerOne, it containers a simple image with a text inside it. For HandlerTwo, it containers a view with a touchable highlight (button) where you can put an event there.

GIF example of Sliding Up Panel
