Dominique Revuz
Dominique Revuz
Ok let's have a json dictionnary in traces, for the communication from the sandbox to the server we need a name that will not collide with a name in the...
This is something we discus monday this is the way to do it. ;)
this branch download_name2email is a patch for this issue.
Remark this could be used to send binary files to the sandbox ;)
D3js has a python access.
Yes this is a simple way for the teacher. When he tests is exercice we record the answers and the given grade. This yields a non-regression test. With good and...
In this way the format of the test canbe a little more complexe and more open to change. A json aproche to the tests, with version and all ...
@qcoumes Si tu touche au preview il faut que tu regarde l'idée de sauvegarder une expérience de preview comme un test. Il faut ajouter un bouton pour cela. Si tu...