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Our optimized Android templates used in our projects

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A collection of our Android templates:



  1. Clone or download this repository to your local machine, then extract and open the folder
  2. Run cd scripts to get into the scripts directory
  3. Run kscript new_project.kts to create a new project with the following arguments:
  package-name=                      New package name (i.e., com.example.package)
  app-name=                          New app name (i.e., MyApp, "My App", "my-app")
  template=                          Template (i.e., compose) (optional, default: compose)
  force=                             Force project creation even if the script fails (default: false)
  destination=                       Set the output location where the project should be generated (i.e., /Users/johndoe/documents/projectfolder)


  kscript new_project.kts package-name=co.mycomposeproject.example app-name="My Compose Project"
  kscript scripts/new_project.kts package-name=co.mycomposeproject.example app-name="My Compose Project" template=compose
  kscript new_project.kts package-name=co.mycomposeproject.example app-name="My Compose Project" template=compose destination=/Users/johndoe/documents/projectfolder
  1. Update android_version_code and android_version_name in template/build.gradle


Learn more about our Android templates on the Wiki.


This project is Copyright (c) 2014 and onwards Nimble. It is free software and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.


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This project is maintained and funded by Nimble.

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