@robbavey Is there an intention to provide a universal binary for Logstash when these M1 artifacts are built?
@mr1716 & @UcanInfosec apologies for the delay. I am wondering if you have looked at using Elastic Agent instead of Filebeat for your data collection needs? if that is on...
@mr1716 thanks for the info. Just so that we can plan better is there a product feature that is an impediment to this move to the Agent? does it generally...
@UcanInfosec apologies at the moment we don't have a targeted release date for this due to other priorities.
@UcanInfosec that's a good qualitative data I was looking for. Thank you. I don;t know how many beats you have deployed on each host, the Elastic agent is a single...
Hi @arnitolog due to other priorities facing the team right now, we are not considering adding this capability to the beats. We will keep reviewing this. thanks
@rctlopes at the moment we don't have a plan to address this issue due to many other product priorities that we have.
@strawgate and @111andre111 would you be able to out line the workflow you currently would perform? I want to make sure we are addressing your workflow with any enhancement we...
@strawgate @swtrux would it be possible to have you migrate to Elastic Agent where handling of pipelines is managed for you? I would like to know if you have a...
@derbl4ck and @mtloaprhn we are looking at whether this is feasible and include in our planning. Right now we don't have a targeted delivery timeline due to many other higher...