TeamPass icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
TeamPass copied to clipboard

Edit item is not allowed

Open Sivolen opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

  1. Open pass folder
  2. Select item
  3. Click edit button

Expected behaviour

Open edit item page

Actual behaviour

you are not allowed to do that!

Server configuration

Ubuntu 22.04

Web server: Nginx

Database: MariaDB

PHP version: 8.2

Teampass version:

Teampass configuration file:

Updated from an older Teampass or fresh install: PLEASE attach to this issue the file /includes/config/tp.config.php.

global $SETTINGS;
$SETTINGS = array (
    'max_latest_items' => '10',
    'enable_favourites' => '1',
    'show_last_items' => '1',
    'enable_pf_feature' => '0',
    'log_connections' => '1',
    'log_accessed' => '1',
    'time_format' => 'H:i:s',
    'date_format' => 'd/m/Y',
    'duplicate_folder' => '1',
    'item_duplicate_in_same_folder' => '0',
    'duplicate_item' => '1',
    'number_of_used_pw' => '3',
    'manager_edit' => '1',
    'cpassman_dir' => '/var/www/html/TeamPass',
    'cpassman_url' => '',
    'favicon' => 'https://passato.aso.rt.local/favicon.ico',
    'path_to_upload_folder' => '/var/www/html/TeamPass/upload',
    'path_to_files_folder' => '/var/www/html/TeamPass/files',
    'url_to_files_folder' => '',
    'activate_expiration' => '0',
    'pw_life_duration' => '0',
    'maintenance_mode' => '0',
    'enable_sts' => '0',
    'encryptClientServer' => '1',
    'teampass_version' => '3.1.1',
    'ldap_mode' => '0',
    'ldap_type' => '0',
    'ldap_suffix' => '0',
    'ldap_domain_dn' => '0',
    'ldap_domain_controler' => '0',
    'ldap_user_attribute' => '0',
    'ldap_ssl' => '0',
    'ldap_tls' => '0',
    'ldap_search_base' => '0',
    'ldap_port' => '389',
    'richtext' => '0',
    'allow_print' => '0',
    'roles_allowed_to_print' => '0',
    'show_description' => '1',
    'anyone_can_modify' => '0',
    'anyone_can_modify_bydefault' => '0',
    'nb_bad_authentication' => '0',
    'utf8_enabled' => '1',
    'restricted_to' => '0',
    'restricted_to_roles' => '0',
    'enable_send_email_on_user_login' => '0',
    'enable_user_can_create_folders' => '1',
    'insert_manual_entry_item_history' => '0',
    'enable_kb' => '1',
    'enable_email_notification_on_item_shown' => '0',
    'enable_email_notification_on_user_pw_change' => '0',
    'custom_logo' => '',
    'custom_login_text' => '',
    'default_language' => 'english',
    'send_stats' => '0',
    'send_statistics_items' => 'stat_country;stat_users;stat_items;stat_items_shared;stat_folders;stat_folders_shared;stat_admins;stat_managers;stat_ro;stat_mysqlversion;stat_phpversion;stat_teampassversion;stat_languages;stat_kb;stat_suggestion;stat_customfields;stat_api;stat_2fa;
    'send_stats_time' => '1696814983',
    'get_tp_info' => '1',
    'send_mail_on_user_login' => '0',
    'nb_items_by_query' => 'auto',
    'enable_delete_after_consultation' => '0',
    'enable_personal_saltkey_cookie' => '0',
    'personal_saltkey_cookie_duration' => '31',
    'email_smtp_server' => '',
    'email_smtp_auth' => '',
    'email_auth_username' => '',
    'email_auth_pwd' => '',
    'email_port' => '25',
    'email_security' => '',
    'email_server_url' => 'l',
    'email_from' => '',
    'email_from_name' => 'teampass',
    'pwd_maximum_length' => '40',
    'google_authentication' => '0',
    'delay_item_edition' => '0',
    'allow_import' => '0',
    'proxy_ip' => '',
    'proxy_port' => '',
    'upload_maxfilesize' => '10mb',
    'upload_docext' => 'doc,docx,dotx,xls,xlsx,xltx,rtf,csv,txt,pdf,ppt,pptx,pot,dotx,xltx',
    'upload_imagesext' => 'jpg,jpeg,gif,png',
    'upload_pkgext' => '7z,rar,tar,zip',
    'upload_otherext' => 'sql,xml',
    'upload_imageresize_options' => '1',
    'upload_imageresize_width' => '800',
    'upload_imageresize_height' => '600',
    'upload_imageresize_quality' => '90',
    'use_md5_password_as_salt' => '0',
    'ga_website_name' => 'TeamPass for ChangeMe',
    'api' => '0',
    'subfolder_rights_as_parent' => '0',
    'show_only_accessible_folders' => '0',
    'enable_suggestion' => '0',
    'otv_expiration_period' => '7',
    'default_session_expiration_time' => '60',
    'duo' => '0',
    'enable_server_password_change' => '0',
    'ldap_object_class' => '0',
    'bck_script_path' => '/var/www/html/TeamPass/backups',
    'bck_script_filename' => 'bck_teampass',
    'syslog_enable' => '0',
    'syslog_host' => '',
    'syslog_port' => '514',
    'manager_move_item' => '1',
    'create_item_without_password' => '1',
    'otv_is_enabled' => '0',
    'agses_authentication_enabled' => '0',
    'item_extra_fields' => '0',
    'saltkey_ante_2127' => 'none',
    'migration_to_2127' => 'done',
    'files_with_defuse' => 'done',
    'timezone' => 'Asia/Sakhalin',
    'enable_attachment_encryption' => '1',
    'personal_saltkey_security_level' => '50',
    'ldap_new_user_is_administrated_by' => '0',
    'disable_show_forgot_pwd_link' => '0',
    'offline_key_level' => '0',
    'enable_http_request_login' => '0',
    'ldap_and_local_authentication' => '0',
    'secure_display_image' => '1',
    'upload_zero_byte_file' => '0',
    'upload_all_extensions_file' => '0',
    'bck_script_passkey' => 
    'admin_2fa_required' => '1',
    'password_overview_delay' => '4',
    'copy_to_clipboard_small_icons' => '1',
    'duo_ikey' => '',
    'duo_skey' => '',
    'duo_host' => '',
    'duo_failmode' => 'secure',
    'roles_allowed_to_print_select' => '',
    'clipboard_life_duration' => '30',
    'mfa_for_roles' => '',
    'tree_counters' => '0',
    'settings_offline_mode' => '0',
    'settings_tree_counters' => '0',
    'enable_massive_move_delete' => '0',
    'email_debug_level' => '2',
    'ga_reset_by_user' => '',
    'onthefly-backup-key' => '',
    'onthefly-restore-key' => '',
    'ldap_user_dn_attribute' => '',
    'ldap_dn_additional_user_dn' => '',
    'ldap_user_object_filter' => '',
    'ldap_bdn' => '',
    'ldap_hosts' => '',
    'ldap_password' => '',
    'ldap_username' => '',
    'api_token_duration' => '60',
    'enable_tasks_manager' => '1',
    'task_maximum_run_time' => '300',
    'tasks_manager_refreshing_period' => '20',
    'maximum_number_of_items_to_treat' => '100',
    'ldap_tls_certifacte_check' => 'LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_NEVER',
    'enable_tasks_log' => '1',
    'upgrade_timestamp' => '1708315118',
    'enable_ad_users_with_ad_groups' => '0',
    'enable_ad_user_auto_creation' => '0',
    'ldap_group_object_filter' => '',
    'ldap_guid_attibute' => 'objectguid',
    'sending_emails_job_frequency' => '2',
    'user_keys_job_frequency' => '1',
    'items_statistics_job_frequency' => '5',
    'users_personal_folder_task' => '',
    'clean_orphan_objects_task' => 'monthly;00:00;1',
    'purge_temporary_files_task' => 'monthly;01:00;1',
    'rebuild_config_file' => '',
    'reload_cache_table_task' => 'daily;01:00',
    'maximum_session_expiration_time' => '60',
    'items_ops_job_frequency' => '1',
    'rebuild_config_file_task' => 'daily;00:00',
    'enable_refresh_task_last_execution' => '1',
    'ldap_group_objectclasses_attibute' => 'top,groupofuniquenames',
    'max_last_items' => '8',
    'pwd_default_length' => '14',
    'tasks_log_retention_delay' => '3650',
    'can_create_root_folder' => '1',

Client configuration

Browser: Firefox and Chrome

Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04


Web server error log


Insert your webserver log here

Log from the web-browser developer console (CTRL + SHIFT + i)

Insert the log here and especially the answer of the query that failed.

Sivolen avatar Feb 19 '24 06:02 Sivolen