Edward Anderson

Results 55 issues of Edward Anderson

See https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/statistics/#a-word-about-caching This is causing commit counts to come back as 0. ``` ruby @api.contributors_stats(repo.full_name) ``` This will return `nil` for any repository where stats have been invalidated or were...

Use the GitHub icons for statuses, rather than using text.

There is so much I want to click, and so little action! ![Link all the things!](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rOUdDFBjR-w/UcicHOoO5_I/AAAAAAAAAfc/-X5moxkWyvU/s320/linkall.jpg)

If the primary language is Ruby: - Detect the Ruby on Rails framework - Detect Ruby gems

There are some easy targets, like loading lists of issues, comments, etc.

Only for your own projects.

``` NoMethodError (undefined method `runs' for nil:NilClass): app/controllers/races_controller.rb:31:in `block in redo' app/controllers/races_controller.rb:29:in `redo' ```


Reported by @everetteallen in #57: > If I unplug and replug "hot" I get: ``` sudo foreman start 19:42:29 web.1 | started with pid 844 19:42:30 web.1 | Warning: You're...


- [ ] Sometimes blocking reads don't exit and get forced after 10 seconds. - [ ] There's no error handling outside of SensorDevices crashing - [ ] Ensure crashed...

When starting the daemon with something like: ``` rake daemon:sensor_watch MOCK=NewboldDt8000 ``` Start the daemon in a thread, and run the mock-sensor in the foreground. Automatically set $TRACK_SENSOR_DEVICE so the...