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Tool to make Dolby Vison mp4.

English | 简体中文


Command line tool to make Dolby Vison mp4.


  • Select tracks from variety media files (mp4, ts, mkv, hevc, aac, eac3...)
  • Keep metadata / track delay from source file
  • Set language and name for each track
  • Set global metadata (cover, title, copyright, comment, encoding tool)
  • Accepted SDR / HDR10 / Dolby Vision Profile 5 or Profile 8
  • Compatible with Apple devices (ATV, iOS, iPadOS, macOS)


  • ffmpeg (>=5.0)
    Read track info, extract stream
  • mp4box (>=2.1)
    Mux video, audio, subtitle together
  • mediainfo (latest CLI version)
    Read metadata
  • mp4muxer
    Mux ES to DoVi mp4

Please ensure the version of these software, or the output may not be correct!


  1. Use ffmpeg to extract ES stream
  2. Use mp4muxer to make DoVi mp4
  3. Use mp4box to make final mp4


Now, DoViMuxer can read/set:

Command Line

  DoViMuxer. Tool to make Dolby Vison mp4.

  DoViMuxer [<output>] [options]

  <output>  File output name []

  -i <FILE> (REQUIRED)            Add input(s)
  -map <file[:type[:index]]>      Select and re-order tracks. Example:
                                    -map 0:0   Input 0, track 0
                                    -map 0:a:0 Input 0, first audio track
  -meta <[type:]index:key=value>  Set mp4 track metadata. Example:
                                    -meta a:0:lang=eng:name="English (Original)":elng="en-US"
                                    -meta 1:lang=jpn
                                  note: lang: ISO 639-2, elng: RFC 4646 tags
  -delay <[type:]index:time>      Set mp4 track delay (milliseconds). Example:
                                    -delay a:0:-5000
                                    -delay s:0:1000
  -forced <[s:]index>             Set mp4 subtitle track to [Forced]. Example:
                                    -forced s:3
  -default <[type:]index>         Set mp4 audio or subtitle track to [Default]. Example:
                                    -default s:3
                                    -default a:1
  -cover <FILE>                   Set mp4 cover image
  -comment <comment>              Set mp4 comment
  -copyright <copyright>          Set mp4 copyright
  -title <title>                  Set mp4 title
  -tool <tool>                    Set mp4 encoding tool
  -ffmpeg <FILE>                  Set ffmpeg path
  -mp4box <FILE>                  Set mp4box path
  -mp4muxer <FILE>                Set mp4muxer path
  -mediainfo <FILE>               Set mediainfo path
  -y                              Overwrite [default: False]
  -dvhe                           Prefer 'dvhe' rather than 'dvh1' [default: False]
  -hev1                           Prefer 'hev1' rather than 'hvc1' [default: False]
  --nochap                        Skip chapters copy [default: False]
  --debug                         Show details [default: False]
  --version                       Show version information
  -?, -h, --help                  Show help and usage information


Read info:

DoViMuxer -i source.mp4 -i source2.eac3

Remux DoVi mkv to mp4 and keep meta:

DoViMuxer -i source.mkv output.mp4

Remux DoVi ts to mp4 and keep meta:

DoViMuxer -i source.ts output.mp4

Advance use:

DoviMuxer ^
-i v.mp4 ^
-i a.eac3 ^
-i ^
-i ^
-i ^
-i ^
-meta a:0:lang=eng:name="English":elng="en-US" ^
-meta s:0:lang=chi:name="Chinese Simplified":elng="zh-Hans" ^
-meta s:1:lang=chi:name="Chinese Traditional (TW)":elng="zh-Hant-TW" ^
-meta s:2:lang=chi:name="Chinese Traditional (HK)":elng="zh-Hant-HK" ^
-meta s:3:lang=chi:name="English":elng="en-US" ^
-title "DoVi EP01" -comment "This a Test" -tool "DoviMuxer v1.0.0" output.mp4

RFC 4646 language tag

On Apple Devices, elng determines how the player displays the mp4 track name.

Tags list:

Here are some common tags:

Elng Display Name (简体中文系统显示)
zh-CN 中文
zh-Hans 简体中文
zh-Hant 繁体中文
zh-Hant-TW 繁体中文(台湾)
zh-Hant-HK 繁体中文(香港)
en-US 英文
... ...
... ...

You can also use some trick to make player show clear track name. For example, different audio codecs (Dolby Digital Plus and AAC) in the same language are not distinguishable by default, you can set elng like this:

elng=zh-DDP => 中文(DDP)
elng=zh-AAC => 中文(AAC)

Apple Devices Tips

  • HEVC tag must be hvc1 or dvh1
  • Timed text hdlr set to sbtl
  • Video tracks, audio tracks and subtitle tracks in different alternate group
  • Display name depends on the extended language tag instead of reading the name property of udta as most players on Windows do


  • [ ] Dual layer DoVi