Niladri Halder

Results 45 comments of Niladri Halder

For applications which are deployed with high-availability, and can recover/rebuild the data from the lost node, [persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy]( seems like a possible solution. It is in beta (k8s v1.27 onwards), and...

Hi @maunavarro, this issue has been open for a while. Are you are still facing this issue? This feature is one which is typically present in a CSI driver based...

Continuing the discussion here @cinapm. I have one issue with #542: I think the CSI driver shouldn't be pinned to the quota/refquota choice it made at deploy time. It should...

Closing this PR as these changes have been included in #190.

This issue still exists on OpenEBS v4.0.1 (dynamic-localpv-provisioner v4.0.0). This requires an enhancement where the PV is built with the mountOptions collected from the StorageClass ([here]( My personal recommendation would...

Closing this issue. Please re-open, if this persists.

Looks like a documentation issue. Good find @Mia-Dan!

The page linkedin above ( presents sample ouputs from an outdated openebs/openebs helm chart and openebs-operator (v2.x). v2.x shipped the maya-apiserver, a deprecated 'openebs-provisioner' component, etc. v3.x ships with localpv-provisioner...

@clearhost-cmd could you share the logs of the nfs provisioner container, nfs-server container and the kubelet logs `journalctl -u kubelet` from the node where your application Pod tried mounting the...