
Results 287 comments of nikspz

@lt7 Currently testing We will have a discussion regarding Pycharm later. I'll keep you updated regarding that. Thank you very much for your feedback

Reproced on master 1.7.0 Ascendex - doesn't create event when received partially filled orders for low liquidity pairs Steps: 1. create a pureMM using BOLT-USDT pair 2. set an order...

Issue showed again in #5550 PR using Cross Exchange Market making strategy using CEX /papertrade for maker_market and - uniswap (kovan) / pangolin mainnet for taker_market development branch (dev- 1.7.0)...

Need to update with latest dev branch changes and good to go

To replicate you could try to run the bot for ~5-10 minutes and check orders creation and available balance

Tried to replicate the issue with bot flooded with `Unexpected error occurred when listening to order book streams` still exist on the latest dev branch 1.6.0 AWS Ubuntu Source However...

![image]( "" not work either

Failed to set up on v1.2. staging 1. When creating strategy 2. When trying to set up it on previously created config ![image](

replicated on master / staging 1.3.0. Issue - failed to add an end date for twap strategy

replicated on staging 1.6.0