Thanks for your participation, the bounty has been sent to @tomasgaudino . The fix has been deployed on development branch and hummingbot version 1.28.0
Assigned to @elijahsnoz , please be informed: - Since you’re assigned to this bounty exclusively, please keep us informed on your progress over the next few days - Please review...
hi @elijahsnoz Please submit the completed AML Policy form so we can process your payout. This is a one-time process for each wallet address.
Thanks for your participation, the bounty has been sent to @elijahsnoz . The fix has been deployed on development branch and hummingbot version 2.0.1
> I'm not familiar with the process of bounties on HB so i'll work through the docs and form submissions in parallel to this issue until we can move it...
@thedavidmeister Do you want to sponsor bounty, correct? you didn't specified the amount you want to pay (to fund connector creation)
@thedavidmeister - The exchange has an orderbook where each order is a smart contract - this bounty needs 4 criteria for a dev (or more): - Know how - create...
hi @peterwilli , thank you for submitting PR, fyi, it should be aimed to development, I changed it for now
From the user: multiple false MarketFailureEvent, but the orders are still being created on the exchange. this could lead to inconsistencies. between the HB client and the exchange.
@usamike25 Could you please send your log and config file here as well?