Assigned to @yancong001
hi @yancong001, do you have updates on this bounty?
> This task have to make it work with uniswap v2 and v3? Or just v3? to add it to current uniswap connector implementation
unassigned [jake-nyquist]( since PR308 is closed
Thanks for your participation, the bounty has been sent to fengtality . The fix has been deployed on development branch and hummingbot version 2.0.1.
Assigned to @alexeyneu, please be informed: - Since you’re assigned to this bounty exclusively, please keep us informed on your progress over the next few days - Please review and...
hi @alexeyneu Could you please add your updates on this bounty here?
@alexeyneu Do you want to continue work on this bounty, we could re-assign the bounty if no answer / updates be provided