minimal-tmux-status copied to clipboard
A simple minimal tmux theme that does shows prefix key press status.
This is a theme/plugin for my Tmux Status bar.
This theme was created with a focus on minimalism and essential elements, ensuring a clean and distraction-free Tmux status bar. Whether you're an experienced Tmux user or just getting started, this theme offers a seamless experience with support for the
prefix key press
Un pressed Prefix |
Pressed Prefix |
Variables to Configure
# These are the default values used inside the plugin to acheive the preview shown above.
set -g @minimal-tmux-bg "#698DDA"
set -g @minimal-tmux-justify "centre"
set -g @minimal-tmux-indicator-str " tmux "
set -g @minimal-tmux-indicator true
set -g @minimal-tmux-status "bottom"
# Enables or disables the left and right status bar
set -g @minimal-tmux-right true
set -g @minimal-tmux-left true
# expanded icon (fullscreen icon)
set -g @minimal-tmux-expanded-icon " "
# on all tabs (default is false)
# false will make it visible for the current tab only
set -g @minimal-tmux-show-expanded-icons-for-all-tabs true
# To add or remove extra text in status bar
set -g @minimal-tmux-status-right-extra ""
set -g @minimal-tmux-status-left-extra ""
# Not recommended to change these values
set -g @minimal-tmux-status-right "#S"
set -g @minimal-tmux-status-left "refer to code"
# If getting strings cut in left status or right
# Here 20 is the length of the characters in the string
set -g status-right-length 20
set -g status-left-length 20
As flake in Nix os
# flake input
minimal-tmux = {
url = "github:niksingh710/minimal-tmux-status";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# tmux config
programs.tmux.plugins = [
{ plugin = inputs.minimal-tmux.packages.${pkgs.system}.default; }
Via Tmux Plugin Manager (TPM)
I recommend using Tmux Plugin Manager (TPM) for easy installation:
Add the theme to your list of TPM plugins in your
:set -g @plugin 'niksingh710/minimal-tmux-status'
+ I (capital "i", as in Install) to fetch and install the plugin. -
Reload your Tmux configuration:
tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
That's it! Your Tmux Status Theme is now installed and ready to use.
Toggle Status Bar
Add this line in your tmux config so that you can easily toggle tmux status bar with one keymap.
bind-key b set-option status
Now pressing prefix+b
will toggle status bar
Automatic tpm installation
One of the first things we do on a new machine is cloning our dotfiles. Not everything comes with them though, so for example tpm
most likely won't be installed.
If you want to install tpm
and plugins automatically when tmux is started, put the following snippet in .tmux.conf
before the final run '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'
if "test ! -d ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm" \
"run 'git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm && ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins'"