Nikolay Borzov
Nikolay Borzov
I believe the first version has it. But It would be great to provide a hook method where a user can attach custom behaviour to node element (e.g. add multiline...
Any updates on this? Would be great to have the feature.
That's by design. I'll consider adding an option to enable whole page gallery instead of contrainer based
Why do we use `pm2-runtime` here? Looks like it cannot find config in the project root. ``` pm2-runtime start error: missing required argument `app.js|json_file' ``` `pm2` runs fine.
I was able to deploy to Heroku by specifying config `pm2-runtime start ecosystem.config.js`. As I understood calling `pm2` second time duplicates processes. `pm2-runtime` restarts existing ones. I haven't found any...
> [2018-08-22T07:50:13.349Z] PM2 log: Starting execution sequence in -fork mode- for app name:node-webpack-babel-starter id:0 Did you specify the number of instances and `cluster` mode? Just a wild guess. My config...