veency copied to clipboard
Veency not Show in ios 13.5.1 after install
dear @niknah ,
thanks for your work to make vnc server can run in ios.
I already success install veency in ios 13.5.1
step to do that:
- install checkra1n 2.install cydia
- install repo needed for veency in cydia (SimulateTouch, etc that show when try to dpkg -i veency_0.9.3379_iphoneos-arm.deb)
- ssh root@to_my_iphone_ip
- apt install git
- create a directory in safeplace
- git clone
- cd veency
- wget
- chmod +x veency_0.9.3379_iphoneos-arm.deb
- chmod +x com.saurik.iphone.ske_0.9.2973-1_iphoneos-arm.deb
- dpkg -i com.saurik.iphone.ske_0.9.2973-1_iphoneos-arm.deb
- dpkg -i veency_0.9.3379_iphoneos-arm.deb
- now the veency is installed (status show in cydia as installed packages)
but the vnc app not show in springboard
you think i must ln -s to_the_veency_app_path to_app_path to make it show..?
sorry. This was made for an older version of iOS. I havent tried it out with any newer iOS versions. You dont need git if you are using the .deb file.
How we wish the project could go on.