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[not actively maintained] A lightweight Python library that uses Webkit to enable easy scraping of dynamic, Javascript-heavy web pages

Results 21 dryscrape issues
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How can I work with the elements inside an iframe? Is there a way to switch frames like Selenium does? [Selenium Docs](http://selenium-python.readthedocs.io/navigating.html#moving-between-windows-and-frames) `driver.switch_to_frame("frameName")` `driver.switch_to_default_content()`

I am not able to run a piece of code which was working perfectly a few days back - System Software Overview: System Version: OS X 10.11.6 (15G31) Kernel Version:...

I need to make several POST requests to get some json data. Problem is that I should login to website before making requests. SO I managed to login with dryscrape...

First of all thanks for this great package, The memory usage of the process webkit_server seems to increase with each call to session.visit() It happens to me using the following...

It would things more convenient if socks proxy is supported.

I'm running into a problem trying to install dryscrape. When running `pip install dryscrape` I receive the following two errors: 1. `Failed building wheel for webkit-server` 2. `Command "/Users/USERNAME/anaconda2/bin/python -u...

![google](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/11680965/25106065/3100c016-23fa-11e7-985c-ffac0dc5b29c.png) I am just trying the example from http://dryscrape.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#first-demonstration, it works fine in my OSX, but when run in a RedHat server, cannot render the characters correctly. Please see the...

Currently with QT @ 5.5 mac @ sierra 10.12.3 dryscrape @ 1 gives error webkit_server.WebkitServerError: webkit-server failed to start. Output: dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/qt/lib/QtWebKit.framework/**Versions/4/**QtWebKit Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/webkit_server Reason: image...

I have a program which cycles through a list of several thousand urls of different domains, calling sess.visit() for each without creating a new session object. Usually after visiting several...

I am getting this exception when I try to hit a particular web page: ``` >>> import dryscrape >>> weburl = _someurl_ >>> websession = dryscrape.Session(base_url = weburl) >>> websession.visit('/')...