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A repo which compares the speed of different programming languages.
Speed comparison of programming languages
This projects tries to compare the speed of different programming languages. In this project we don't really care about getting a precise calculation of pi. We only want to see how fast are the programming languages doing.
It uses an implementation of the Leibniz formula for π to do the comparison.
Here is a video which explains how it works: Calculating π by hand
I'm no expert in all these languages, so take my results with a grain of salt.
Also the findings just show how good the languages can handle floating point operations, which is only one aspect of a programming language.
You are also welcome to contribute and help me make fix my possible misuse of some languages. :smile:
Languages used in this comparison
- Julia - JIT
- R - interpreted
- Python - interpreted (CPython)
- Ruby - interpreted
- Swift - compiled (in this test interpreted due to Linux Swift limitations)
- Java - compiled, VM
- Rust - compiled
- Javascript using Node.js - interpreted, JIT
- Lua - interpreted
- Nim - compiled
- PHP - interpreted
- C++ - compiled
- Crystal - compiled
- Go - compiled
- C - compiled
======= Comparison =======
Iterations: 1000000
> Julia
Version: julia version 0.6.2
Speed (all): 747ms, 723ms, 715ms, 730ms, 724ms, 701ms, 718ms, 726ms, 710ms, 725ms
Speed (best): 701ms
Speed (worst): 747ms
Speed (median): 723.5ms
Result: 3.1415916535917745
Accuracy: 66.67%
> Python 3 (CPython)
Version: Python 3.6.4
Speed (all): 245ms, 259ms, 223ms, 235ms, 247ms, 255ms, 260ms, 242ms, 226ms, 228ms
Speed (best): 223ms
Speed (worst): 260ms
Speed (median): 243.5ms
Result: 3.1415936535887745
Accuracy: 72.22%
> R
Version: R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30) -- "Kite-Eating Tree"
Speed (all): 175ms, 170ms, 182ms, 182ms, 181ms, 190ms, 177ms, 180ms, 181ms, 182ms
Speed (best): 170ms
Speed (worst): 190ms
Speed (median): 181.0ms
Result: 3.1415916535917745
Accuracy: 66.67%
> Ruby
Version: ruby 2.5.0p0 (2017-12-25 revision 61468) [x86_64-linux]
Speed (all): 139ms, 133ms, 125ms, 120ms, 124ms, 134ms, 127ms, 123ms, 133ms, 136ms
Speed (best): 120ms
Speed (worst): 139ms
Speed (median): 130.0ms
Result: 3.1415916535917745
Accuracy: 66.67%
> Swift
Version: Swift version 4.0.3 (swift-4.0.3-RELEASE)
Speed (all): 112ms, 100ms, 98ms, 97ms, 105ms, 98ms, 99ms, 98ms, 101ms, 103ms
Speed (best): 97ms
Speed (worst): 112ms
Speed (median): 99.5ms
Result: 3.14159165359177
Accuracy: 75.00%
> PHP 5.6
Version: PHP 5.6.33 (cli) (built: Mar 1 2018 23:44:30)
Speed (all): 84ms, 80ms, 78ms, 80ms, 79ms, 80ms, 77ms, 83ms, 79ms, 78ms
Speed (best): 77ms
Speed (worst): 84ms
Speed (median): 79.5ms
Result: 3.1415936535887745
> Java
Version: 8.u144-1
Speed (all): 72ms, 76ms, 73ms, 83ms, 75ms, 68ms, 77ms, 79ms, 76ms, 77ms
Speed (best): 68ms
Speed (worst): 83ms
Speed (median): 76.0ms
Result: 3.1415936535887745
Accuracy: 72.22%
> JS (node)
Version: v9.6.1
Speed (all): 69ms, 65ms, 67ms, 66ms, 66ms, 66ms, 66ms, 70ms, 72ms, 65ms
Speed (best): 65ms
Speed (worst): 72ms
Speed (median): 66.0ms
Result: 3.1415936535887745
Accuracy: 72.22%
> Python 3 (pypy)
Version: 5.10.0-5
Speed (all): 112ms, 40ms, 41ms, 43ms, 42ms, 41ms, 40ms, 41ms, 41ms, 43ms
Speed (best): 40ms
Speed (worst): 112ms
Speed (median): 41.0ms
Result: 3.1415936535887745
Accuracy: 72.22%
> Lua
Version: Lua 5.3.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2017 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
Speed (all): 74ms, 67ms, 72ms, 70ms, 72ms, 72ms, 72ms, 68ms, 75ms, 76ms
Speed (best): 67ms
Speed (worst): 76ms
Speed (median): 72.0ms
Result: 3.1415916535917745
Accuracy: 66.67%
> Rust
Version: rustc 1.24.0
Speed (all): 75ms, 74ms, 73ms, 71ms, 74ms, 71ms, 71ms, 67ms, 68ms, 70ms
Speed (best): 67ms
Speed (worst): 75ms
Speed (median): 71.0ms
Result: 3.1415936535887745
Accuracy: 72.22%
> PHP 7
Version: PHP 7.2.2 (cli) (built: Jan 30 2018 19:18:38) ( NTS )
Speed (all): 58ms, 55ms, 52ms, 55ms, 54ms, 52ms, 55ms, 57ms, 54ms, 53ms
Speed (best): 52ms
Speed (worst): 58ms
Speed (median): 54.5ms
Result: 3.1415936535887745
Accuracy: 72.22%
> Nim
Version: 0.17.2-2
Speed (all): 43ms, 39ms, 45ms, 41ms, 40ms, 39ms, 40ms, 40ms, 38ms, 39ms
Speed (best): 38ms
Speed (worst): 45ms
Speed (median): 40.0ms
Result: 3.1415916535917745
Accuracy: 66.67%
> C++
Version: g++ (GCC) 7.3.0
Speed (all): 11ms, 10ms, 10ms, 9ms, 10ms, 9ms, 10ms, 8ms, 8ms, 8ms
Speed (best): 8ms
Speed (worst): 11ms
Speed (median): 9.5ms
Result: 3.1415936535887745
Accuracy: 72.22%
> Crystal
Version: Crystal 0.24.1 (2017-12-20)
Speed (all): 12ms, 10ms, 9ms, 9ms, 9ms, 9ms, 9ms, 9ms, 9ms, 10ms
Speed (best): 9ms
Speed (worst): 12ms
Speed (median): 9.0ms
Result: 3.1415916535917745
Accuracy: 66.67%
> Go
Version: go version go1.10 linux/amd64
Speed (all): 7ms, 6ms, 6ms, 6ms, 5ms, 5ms, 6ms, 5ms, 6ms, 6ms
Speed (best): 5ms
Speed (worst): 7ms
Speed (median): 6.0ms
Result: 3.1415936535887745
Accuracy: 72.22%
> C
Version: gcc (GCC) 7.3.0
Speed (all): 9ms, 7ms, 6ms, 7ms, 7ms, 6ms, 6ms, 6ms, 6ms, 6ms
Speed (best): 6ms
Speed (worst): 9ms
Speed (median): 6.0ms
Result: 3.1415936535887745
Accuracy: 72.22%
Run it yourself
Everything is run by a Docker container and a bash script which envokes the programs.
To measure the execution time a python package is used.
Run measurement
Just run: make
Print plot
make plot
Run cli
make cli
Why do you also count reading a file and printing the output?
Because I think this is a more realistic scenario to compare speeds.
Are the compile times included in the measurements?
No they are not included, because when running the program in the real world this would also be done before.
- [x] Add C++
- [x] Add run pypy for Python
- [x] Produce graphic with results
- [x] Add Java
- [x] Add Swift
- [x] Add R
- [x] Add Php 5.6
- [ ] Add phpv8js
- [ ] Add python2
- [ ] Add Smalltalk
- [ ] Add C#
- [ ] Add Perl
- [ ] Add Kotlin
- [ ] Add Haskell
- [ ] Add Elixir
- [ ] Add Lisp
- [ ] Add Ada
- [ ] Add COBOL
This projects takes inspiration from Thomas who did a similar comparison on his blog.