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SMS sending bug
Emulator version: 1.6.9
Game version: http://giaitri321.pro/game-offline/gamehay/2/vuong-quoc-sung-vat-cau-vong/S60-VuongQuoc-PKM-CauVong-240x320.jar
Game resolution: 240X320 Device: Vivo 1906 Android version: 9 Description of the issue: Hello. I come from Vietnam, there are many java games here. Some have been "cracked" but when sending the activation message, all failed. I tried sending them on nokia phones and it still works. Hopefully in the upcoming updates will have access and send sms.
Any example of such games? I want to check how exactly they send an sms.
Install the games .jad file. Playing with .jad does not show this activation message
Thanks for your feedback. Here is an example of the game I mentioned( it crack): http://www.mediafire.com/file/43bssn2sh58njhn/S60-VuongQuocSungVat-CauVong-240x320.jar/file The language in the game is Vietnamese, sorry for the inconvenience. After playing through the opening paragraph, press the soft key to the right of the virtual keyboard, an sms store will appear, click on any item and press the left soft key to confirm. At this point, the game will appear a new orange window, press the left soft key to confirm a purchase - yes, it failed. Please check it out. Have a nice day.
Do know any other games with that problem?
These are three games for this problem, I compress them into one file. All are "crack". http://www.mediafire.com/file/99v5ha1slvtcjov/Java.zip/file
The SMS (cracked) works :)), but the game was freeze after that
In this version, I was able to send SmS in some unencrypted games (I think). Some encrypted games still get this error. Here is an example: http://gamehub.pro/dl/2867
Jad File: Blood+ 240x320.jad
Jar file: Game won't open without the GLU code. Blood+ 240x320.jar
How to install demo or games with activation without using jad file?
- find the jad file. edit as txt file, copy the game code inside the jad. - open jar file as zip, edit Manifest.MF as text.
Paste the game code at the end of the line. Game Code: - Paste this to the jar file's Manifest.MF to make the game work.
Glu-Idle-Threshold: 0 Glu-Ignore-Notify: false Glu-Locale: multi Glu-Softkey-Reverse: false Glu-Use-Double-Buffer: false Nokia-MIDlet-Category: Game Glu-Wap-Type: 2 Glu-Game: bloodplus
This is just a sample to your issue if it needs activation code through sms. Find the jad file with the game code and embed it to the jar.
Jad File: Blood+ 240x320.jad
Jar file: Game won't open without the GLU code. Blood+ 240x320.jar
How to install demo or games with activation without using jad file?
- find the jad file. edit as txt file, copy the game code inside the jad.
- open jar file as zip, edit Manifest.MF as text.
Paste the game code at the end of the line. Game Code:
- Paste this to the jar file's Manifest.MF to make the game work.
Glu-Idle-Threshold: 0 Glu-Ignore-Notify: false Glu-Locale: multi Glu-Softkey-Reverse: false Glu-Use-Double-Buffer: false Nokia-MIDlet-Category: Game Glu-Wap-Type: 2 Glu-Game: bloodplus
This is just a sample to your issue if it needs activation code through sms. Find the jad file with the game code and embed it to the jar.
Thank you, but this game let us play one stage ahead, to continue, I had to activate it by sending a message - even though it was cracked, but when it all sent it failed. You can refer to the game below http://www.mediafire.com/file/43bssn2sh58njhn/S60-VuongQuocSungVat-CauVong-240x320.jar/file
- to nikita Is this problem hard to fix? Please give me the answer. My game still has an error sending sms.
@nikita36078 Has my problem been solved? It's been a while since I created it. :)
I remember about this bug, but didn't find the solution yet. No need to create new issues.
@nikita36078 I think the problem is with the permission to send and receive messages, I don't see this permission in the app. What do you think about an application that emulates an operating system of a phone like Vmos today.
The emulator fakes sms sending, so these permissions aren't needed. I'm not sure how VMOS is related to this topic, but it's a rather old technology - OS runs in container on the same Android kernel, various Linux distributions can be launched on the phone in the same way.
@nikita36078 Vấn đề này là khó thực hiện ?😶
English, please. Since it's not fixed yet, it's hard I guess.
By the way the latest update says "mididrive" what does it mean?
It's updating the code from other source that plays MIDI music