FastRoute copied to clipboard
Suggested add the route name
for example:
$r->addRoute('GET', '/test', 'handler')->name("test“);
I've added this feature to my complete refactor and I might make it into this PR or whatever @lcobucci and me are going to do within the next few days or weeks.
And it is not that simple. Internally it can generate a route for more than one HTTP method. So you would have to get by name AND method. You're invited to figure out a better solution. :)
public function addRoute($httpMethod, string $route, $handler, ?string $name = null): void
$route = $this->currentGroupPrefix . $route;
$routingData = $this->routeParser->parse($route);
foreach ((array) $httpMethod as $method) {
foreach ($routingData as $routeData) {
$route = $this->dataGenerator->addRoute($method, $routeData, $handler, $name);
$name = $route->name();
if ($name !== null && isset($this->namedRoutes[$method])) {
$this->namedRoutes[$method][$name] = $route;
I think this could be refactored and it should be refactored, so that the data generator uses route objects instead of generating them. But this is not a quick refactor.
That ->name('..') or better ->setName('webIndex') is a very big point for me.
I am working on a very big project and naming the routes is quite important, because nobody will write down the URLs inside views and other redirects. With ->setName() i would be able to change the URL without searching and changing all references inside my code ... and forget one of course.
Named routes are definitely on my list... I'm quite busy with paid work but the plan is to finish the work on #244 and then go back to applying the work that has been done by @burzum
@kimjohans have you considered ? It is an upgrade on top of FastRoute and they do have named routes:
Named routes helps when you want to retrieve a Route by a human friendly label.
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
$router = new League\Route\Router;
$request = new Request; // Psr/Http/Message/ServerRequestInterface
$router->group('/admin', function (\League\Route\RouteGroup $route) {
$route->map('GET', '/acme/route1', 'AcmeController::actionOne')->setName('actionOne');
$route->map('GET', '/acme/route2', 'AcmeController::actionTwo')->setName('actionTwo');
$route = $router->getNamedRoute('actionOne');
$route->getPath(); // "/admin/acme/route1"