ngx-international-phone-number copied to clipboard
Phone fields adjustments
I'm using the ngx international phone number library in my Angular 8 project and I want to set the country code to readonly. I found this solution:
<international-phone-number (keydown)="testInput($event)" name="phone_number" placeholder="Enter phone number" [maxlength]="20" [defaultCountry]="'sg'" [required]="true" #phoneNumber="ngModel" name="phone_number" [allowedCountries]="['sg']"></international-phone-number>
The example uses a Singapore country code. I have used the keydown event and I am checking the last position of the country code. If I have a country code of +65 then I am considering selectionStart greater than/equal to
3`. This is the code in a ts file:
if (!( >= 3) || ( < 4 && event.key === 'Backspace'))
The problem is I just want to make this function work for all types of country codes