Circular-Countdown copied to clipboard
A nice and attractive circular count down
`$(document).ready(function(){ $(".ccounter").ccountdown(2018,11,01,'24:00'); });` This does not work in IE and Safari. Do you have an idea why?
id like to add months and years to my count down becouse i work whit big time data ranges i nee dto use 1 year 3months 14 days 23 hours...
I want to dynamically update the countdown, I can get this to work but they countdowns just overlap each other. Is there a way to stop the countdown, clear it...
Countdown is awesome ... How can i display text each counter bottom "second", "minute", "hour" or "days" Thanks
Because this is a count down, the circles must be decreased and go backward to zero so it must be ([max]-[the current value]) so it should be _dday=Math.floor(365-(_dd/(60_60_1000_24)_1)); _dhour=Math.floor(24-((_dd%(60_60_1000_24))/(60_60_1000)_1)); _dmin=Math.floor(60-(((_dd%(60_60_1000_24))%(60_60_1000))/(60_1000)_1));...
Currently user needs to write down all the inputs(type of text) with specific class and then countdown is using them. But all of this input related code should be auto...