Nikhil Gupta - Nikk's
Nikhil Gupta - Nikk's
Thank you @dgozman this might really helpful in reusing browsers http cache. We're looking forward for this to be released in next playwright release version.
Actually there are many scenarios in our application where we can't always run test cases in parallel just because of data mess-up let me share example suppose there are two...
Hi @dgozman I have gone through the all playwright issues and many people needed the same requirement of maintaining the state and execution go on for subsequent test cases and...
Hi @dgozman I hope you're doing well. Any update on this feature. We're eagerly waiting for this feature to be introduced so start working on migrating task from Protractor to...
Fortunately I have moved to webdriverio framework which is more robust, frequent release and good community who works on raised issues. I got what I actually wanted from webdriverio framework...
@praveendvd Tried with your first solution as also given in the npm beautiful protractor report but question here is how many times you will keep specs/test cases in specs[]? it...
Hi Praveen @praveendvd , could you please attach a configuration file to run specs in parallel and get all executed results in a consolidated report. It will be very helpful...