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collaborative graphs

Open sphrak opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

Hi, I recently started to use this project and i really enjoy it - nicely done! I was thinking what if it was possible to collaborate/edit the same "graph" by sharing a url to a coworker and also save graphs.

I'd be happy to try to take a stab at this (have very limited time so won't happen over night) but I imagine it would require some type of server that can:

  • store graphs associated with a user
    • this would require some concept of a user, that can sign in.. perhaps via github oauth?
  • a websocket to reflect state changes of the graph

I'm an android dev so I'm not familiar with what type of stack to use for this, if you have any input that would be awesome.

sphrak avatar May 17 '23 14:05 sphrak

The collaborate part would be a substantial amount of work. But luckily, hedgedoc does support rendering graphs and realtime collaboration.


fhp avatar Sep 21 '23 22:09 fhp