ncnn-android-nanodet copied to clipboard
I trained model yolov5 for object detection and now i want to deploy it on android app. Before, I tried covert to .tflite format but slowly. I saw in your's...
I would like to ask about how to add a new model(e.g.,yolov5) in addition to the models listed in assets, which modifications are necessary for this purpose? many thanks in...
I am using nanodet as an object detection library in my Android (java) application, here is an example of an Android app: I also tried this Android nanodet project:...
Error calling camera D/ncnn: closeCamera W/NdkCamera: close D/ncnn: openCamera 0 W/NdkCamera: open W/NdkCamera: open 0 E/ACameraManager: Get camera characteristics from camera service failed: Status(-8): '10: getCameraCharacteristics:565: Unable to retrieve camera...
A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x3000000 in tid 20506 (ImageReader-640), pid 20442 (ent.nanodetncnn)
After i opening the App, it does not crash, just keep black screen. My hareware device is `Hikey 970` whose android version is 9, it uses USB to connect to...
大佬您好,我在做简单测试的时候遇到一个问题,就是利用 ```c++ start = clock(); end = clock(); double end_time = (double)(end-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; ``` 测试的时候cpu推理时间远超过100ms,但显示fps却有十几 gpu推理时间大约40ms,最终的fps也是十几,略高一两帧,请问这种情况是怎么回事呢?
Hello nihui, I want to implement the title function, and pass the value to the U3D painting after obtaining the detection result. How can I hide my current display screen?
Hi @nihui , This repo works very well. Is there any way to get label texts and locations instead of rendering objects on screen? I need to get objects' information...
I've run the demo and find that the object detection process runs faster with option "CPU" instead of "GPU". Is this NORMAL ? I 'm using: - ncnn_20210720_android_vulkan - opencv_mobile_4_5_3_android...