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Common Lisp implementation of Clojure's threading macros
Implements the ->
and ->>
threading macros in Clojure, as well as -<>
and -<>>
from the swiss-arrows library.
This is an ASDF system providing the package cl-arrows
initial-form &rest forms => results
Inserts INITIAL-FORM as first argument into the first of FORMS, the result into the next, etc., before evaluation. FORMS are treated as list designators.
initial-form &rest forms => results
Like ->
, but the forms are inserted as last argument instead of first.
initial-form &rest forms => results
Like ->
, but if a form in FORMS has one or more symbols named <>
top-level element, each such symbol is substituted by the primary result of the
form accumulated so far, instead of it being inserted as first argument. Also
known as diamond wand.
initial-form &rest forms => results
Like -<>
, but if a form in FORMS has no symbols named <>
as top-level element,
insertion is done like in ->>
. Also known as diamond spear.
(-> 3
/) ; insert into designated list (/)
=> 1/3
(-> 3
(expt 2)) ; insert as first argument
=> 9
(->> 3
(expt 2)) ; insert as last argument
=> 8
(-<>> (list 1 2 3)
(remove-if #'oddp <> :count 1 :from-end t) ; substitute <>
(reduce #'+) ; insert last
/) ; list designator
=> 1/3
(let ((x 3))
(-<> (incf x) ; (let ((r (incf x)))
(+ <> <>))) ; (+ r r))
=> 8
Future versions might include further ideas from rplevy's swiss-arrows.