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Radar not working
Issue details The Aircraft symbol on the radar field stays stationary during the flight. It only orients somehow but does not travel. Also I noticed the wind speed and direction field does not provide relevant information
v942 Mavlink
Board type
TLOG and OSD Will do as soon as I get to flying again
tlog and .osd files are required
I noticed that the wind speed and direction indicator is wrong in the mission planner as well. I think it is a mistake of the arduplane software than. T_log and If you need the video it is big. I can post it on drop box.
I did try older software and can confirm that the radar feature is not working with 934. As well I noticed that the home altitude is the same as the flown altitude. I do not know if it is supposed to be. I also would suggest that the radar aircraft symbol would be like others have it. The symbol like this > It is more obvious and less difficult to recon.
I don't use radar, so I asked those who need it to make a certain flight and record video and tlog. I am still waiting.
25 days ago I posted a T_log and All is there.
This issue doesn't occur in v931. I tested v943 too : radar's symbols doesn't appear at all in my case Config :
- Arduplane v3.8.5 with Mavlink@57600bauds
I modified v943 (Mavlink without ADSB) to come back at v936 concerning issue for radar and home_dir arrow. (cf. ILS issue) If you want to test it, the .hex is attached. I also did minor mods on charset2.4.1.5 (another radar icon adapted to fixed wing, sat, rssi icons etc.)
After flight test, I wouldn't recommand flashing this .hex (cf. last comment) : radar works but the arrow indicating home direction can be wrong (+180degres)
I tested radar (for plane) with the last commit (2018/05/21). UAV symbol ant 3 track points are moving but not correctly. It should move around the center of the HUD frame but it's only moving in the top right quarter. In Func.h@505and506 we have dst_x and dst_y always >0 (fabs()) => in Panels.h@411and412 whe have x et y always >0 too (since dst_x and dst_y always >0) => in Panels.h@432, UAV symbol is always writed at (center_col+(x>0) ,center_line-(y>0)) : so, always at the top right quarter of the HUD frame. In Panels.h@432, x and y should be positive or negative to have a correct radar.
thanks for investigations, will fix ASAP
I flew the last version and the radar icon moves within the hud I would say correctly. I do not know if that is to be or not but the icon is not rotating according to the heading to home.
In v946, when plane is heading North, icon radar is going down when plane is heading South, icon radar is going up I don't know if this convention is the most natural for most people, but I would have chosen the opposite (north up on the screen) To make the North appear up on the screen, simply modify panels.h@432 : "+ y" instead of "-y" In case we would choose north up by convention, abscissa must be modified accordingly (to have the east on the right and the west on the left) : "- x" instead of "+x"
So, OSD::write_xy(center_col - x, center_line + y, radar_char()); instead of OSD::write_xy(center_col + x, center_line - y, radar_char());