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Home Direction arrow not consistent in pointing toward home
Issue details
Home direction arrow often does not point toward home.....often is 180 deg out
v942 Mavlink
Board type
runnning pixhawk with Ardupilot firmware
How "canonical" OSD firmware works?
[ X ] Works fine...... [ ] The same bug [ ] Not applicable [ ] Not tested
will update with video on next flight
Issue details - Me too Home direction arrow often does not point toward home.....often is 180 deg out
Version v942 Mavlink
Board type
runnning pixhawk with latest Ardupilot firmware
tlog and .osd files are required
miniSkyhunter.osd.txt tlog is not possible since I have no telemetry radio in the airplane....I have the dataflash log if that helps...
Home arrow was wrong most of the flight
Flight video.
.OSD and .tlog are absolutely required because OSD is data-driven software and just shows incoming MAVlink stream in a form programmed in .osd file. So without them it is absolutely impossible to found which caused such behavior.
I have the dataflash log if that helps
only if you'll find a way to convert them into .tlog
okay, I managed to add a telem radio and captured a TLOG showing the problem..home direction arrow was incorrect a lot of the is the video of the osd during the flight and TLOG log_usb_2018_01_25_11_46_41_091.tlog.txt
fine, will check it
just flashed back to 936MM, no other changes...flew 15min today and home arrow never glitched or pointed anywhere other than 100% correctly....maybe that will make it easier for you to track down the issue...
Have you ever tried the radar feature. Someone on RC grouos said it has never worked. And if it did, what version was it?
no, sorry...have not
I confirm the 934 OSD works regarding the home arrow pointing. But the distance from home resets every 1000 meters as with the newest software.
I also have this issue on 942. Home arrow points the wrong way often. However the autopilot responds fine. It still returns to launch in the correct direction even when the home arrow is pointing the wrong way.
Maybe the problem is related to this commit?
I just compared code of 936 (proven to work) and the latest. And only significant change regarding home direction is there (function grad_to_sect is removed). It means that v941 should also work.
But maybe I'm totally wrong and this change was made by purpose...
JeyPi, I tested successfully radar with track on v931 (plane/PAL/pixhawk/arduplane3.8.5)
I had the same "Home Arrow" issue with v943 (90deg jumping in my case)
I modified v943 (Mavlink without ADSB) to come back at v936 concerning issue for radar and home_dir arrow. (cf. ILS and radar issues) If you want to test it, the .hex is attached.
Ah, thank you! Will try it soon...
bug found, will be fixed in new version ASAP
I tried my patch on v943 yesterday and there is still a bug with panHomeDirection : sorry ! So, it's better to wait for the next released of night-ghost. (However the radar function works again: I will study this more seriously tonight...)
Today I tried latest firmware (v946) and can confirm, that home arrow is working now. Thank you very much guys!
Today I tried latest firmware (v946) and can too confirm, that home arrow is working now. I prefer this osd much more to MWOSD. Thanks for awesome work. I think this issue could be closed. The home arrow works like a charm.