max_nif_plugin copied to clipboard
NiTriStrip Export
Hi Niftools team,
I have been working on a skinned mesh for Oblivion. It hangs from ceilings and is havoked like ropes are. I found that when I tried to put it in the CS, it either crashed the CS or the item was invisible with a bounding box surrounding nothingness. I mention some nif names below, that will be in a download I will send via PM.
I examined the nif: Max exporter is doing something wrong when it exports the nif. Both of my meshes in the "HangShrmFreshlyExportedNoChanges.nif" are NiTriShapes, not having been stripified. But in the Skin Partition blocks for both, it says "Num Strips" as being "1", and some other data is off as well. The nif mentioned above is just that: freshly exported and nothing else changed. I haven't even run PYFFI nifoptimizer on it.
When I do run PYFFI nifoptimizer on it, it doesn't fix the nif, but just makes changes which are still wrong in the Skin Partition blocks. One NiTriStrip will have "Num Strip" of "1" in the skin partition (but other info is wrong, when compared to the NiTriStripsData, etc), but the other NiTriStrip will have "Num Strip" of zero (and other data wrong, etc). Look at the "....PYFFI1x.nif" to see what I mean.
So I took the nif, and in each NiTriStrip, I faced the normals, smoothed the normals, and updated the tangent space. I then ran nifoptimizer on that nif, but it just changed values to different, but still wrong values. This nif is called "....PYFFI2x.nif" in the download I will send shortly. Reexporting the entire nif again from Max does not fix anything.