gluco-check icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gluco-check copied to clipboard

Use Nightscout with Google Home: "Hey Google, check my sugar"

Results 13 gluco-check issues
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## Description This will update all dependencies in the project to their latest (compatible) version ## Motivation and Context Keeping the codebase up-to-date and resolving possible vulnerabilities ## How Has...

I have the glucocheck set up for my Goggle Assistant for my son's Nightscout site. I also set it up on his Google Assistant. During the initial tests it seems...


This issue tracks the release of Gluco Check in Swedish. Translation contributed by @CarlRosell Acceptance criteria to close this issue: - [ ] Swedish support available in Production TODO: -...

help wanted

**Describe the bug** Reported via Reddit: I went to check the db, and it turns out there are several users with their Nightscout set to _mg/dl_, but we have...


## Description Fixes #91 ## How it works: 1. Someone enters a value into the token field and it gets sent to the Validator 2. If it's a valid token,...

- **I'm submitting a ...** Feature request - **What is the current behavior?** The distinction between API secrets and tokens isn't clear to everyone. This results in some users entering...


** update react-hook-form either before this or as part of it, looks like there are changes in there that relate specifically to some of the behaviour changes we want to...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Although we're way to small for legislation like GDPR to come after us, I think it's just good UX to...


Now that we're on React 17, any spot where we're importing React in a component or test but not explicitly using it can be removed.
