Niels de Jong
Niels de Jong
This lets users on authenticate with SSO on Neo4j Aura, so no custom NeoDash deployment is needed.
Replacement for ___________ ### Ordering and Hide features of graph attributes in detail view - When user clicks on one node/edge. In the detail popup, Our users wanted few...
When neodash is running in standalone mode, and loading a dashboard from either the database or a url, it does not respect the page parameter passed to the dashboard. Instead...
- Move legend to the side of the pie chart - Stack values vertically instead of next to one another
To increase performance for rendering large datasets.
Possibly using the query validator from yWorks:
in the report actions screen, let users specify a custom icon to be displayed together with the button that triggers the action.
To support an industry standard for biotech visualizations (, we could add support to override node shapes as is supported by react-force-graph (