Niels de Jong
Niels de Jong
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hi @JoridK , Just tried this as well and it seems to the same for me. How'd you suggest fixing this? I'm having trouble coming up with a nice solution...
Hi @JoridK , I thought a bit about your comment and came up with another idea. What about having a small number below the marker that appears when there's >1...
Hi Michael, thanks for reporting this. I'll try and reproduce the issue locally and will push a fix a.s.a.p. CC @mariusconjeaud
Issue is fixed here: Update is pushed as part of the 2.1.4 release out today too. Best, Niels
Hi @emigre459 , Some thoughts: 1. I agree that drag-and-drop column resizing would be awesome here. This exists out-of-the-box, but will require a purchase of the 'pro' license of the...
Revisiting this feature request for NeoDash 2.5. It would be great to fix node positions both in 2D and 3D. This should be relatively straightforward using the `fx, fy, fz`...
This would probably an advanced setting called `Fixed Position Property` which is set to a property key of a Spatial type.
I think this is a really useful feature, but I think we should wait until there is a UI available to edit dictionary settings. We already have a component for...
A nice solution would be to prefix prefix properties with __ to hide them in the popup window.