git-diff-img icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
git-diff-img copied to clipboard

📷 Diff Git versioned images graphically.


Example difference after replacing the left hand side with the right The result of git diff-img. Sample image by Muband from the Spot the difference Wikipedia article; distributed under a CC BY-SA 3.0 license


System Prerequisites

Install ImageMagick: sudo apt install imagemagick

As a Git configuration (recommended)

git config --global alias.diff-img difftool\ -x\ \''compare -alpha copy "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" png:- | montage -mode concatenate "$LOCAL" png:- "$REMOTE" png:- | display -title "$BASE: Local | Diff | Remote" png:-'\'

As an executable (not recommended)

This is an alternative installation procedure that is unnecessary if the Git configuration is used. It's not recommended because it requires an understanding of PATH lookup

curl -o ~/bin/git-diff-img &&
chmod +x ~/bin/git-diff-img


Execute against images only: git diff-img **.png


The percentage symbol differs Version a font sprite sheet and see the concrete difference in each commit.


License (Public Domain)

All code is public domain and may be used without limitation.