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Run dbt serverless in the Cloud (AWS)
Run dbt serverless in the Cloud (AWS)
- aws credentials configured in
- aws cli
pip install awscli
- terraform
The infrastructure is based on terraform. I setup a terraform backend to keep terraform state. The backend is based an S3 bucket that was created manually. You can create an S3 bucket simply running:
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket nicor88-eu-west-1-terraform --region eu-west-1 --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=eu-west-1
Remember to change the name of the S3 bucket inside infrastructure/provider.tf
before running the following commands:
export AWS_PROFILE=your_profile make infra-plan make infra-apply
After the infra is created correctly, you can push an new image to the ECR repository running:
make push-to-ecr AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=your_account_id
Currently Aurora Postgres is only accessible inside the VPC. I create a Network load balancer, to connect to the DB from everywhere, but you need to get the Private IP of Aurora Endpoint. You can simply run:
nslookup your_aurora_enpoint # returned from the terraform outputs
Then you need to replace the 2 variables:
- autora_postgres_serverless_private_ip_1
- autora_postgres_serverless_private_ip_2
and apply again the changes with the command make infra-apply
AWS Step Function
Input example
{ "commands1": [ "dbt", "run", "--models" "example" ], { "commands2": [ "dbt", "run", "--models" "just_another_example" ] } }
Airflow operator
It's possible to invoke ECS Fargate containers to run dbt also from Airflow. Here an example of how to call a DbtOperator from Airflow:
dbt_run_example = DbtOperator( dag=dag, task_id='dbt_example', command='run', target='dev', dbt_models='my_example', subnets=['subnet_id_1', 'subnet_id_2'], security_groups=['sg_1'] )