light-map copied to clipboard
a light-weight XYZ viewer
light map
minimal, lightweight, self contained XYZ tile map viewer with a 2d canvas renderer.
live example
- an example with the most common methods let's you set the lat/lon/zoom, change the width/height of the canvas and monitor the load progress.
- a basic example of controls you should be able to drag the map around.
- an example of retina support first I thought it wasn't much but it seems to be a big deal. it's based on the devicePixelRatio, ideally you should use a @2x provider but I did an internal nearest neighbour resize.
- an example with a vignette as the map output is a Canvas2D, this shows how to post process the output.
more info
basic example
<script src="light-map.min.js"></script>
var provider = "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png";
var domains = "a,b,c".split( ',' );
var map = new Map( provider, domains, 512,512,0,18 );
document.body.appendChild( map.canvas );
vignette example
<script src="light-map.min.js"></script>
// provider: URL of the tile map service
// domains: URL of the domains used by the tile map service
// you can choose from a list of *free* TMS providers:
// example:
// provider = "http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png";
// domains = [ "a", "b", "c" ];
//alternately you can use .mbtiles
var provider, domains;
provider = "http://ttiles{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png";
domains = [ "01" , "02", "03", "04" ];
// you may need to use a proxy to load images on local servers
// check out this gist :
var proxy = "";//"./proxy.php?url=";
var map = new Map( proxy + provider, domains, 512,512, 0, 10 );
document.body.appendChild( map.canvas );
//listening to the loading events
function onLoadComplete( status ){
if(status==0 )console.log( "onLoadComplete", "->", status );
//a new tile was loaded here
function onTileLoaded( tile ){
console.log( "onTileLoaded", "->", tile );
//the canvas' context is returned here
function onTextureUpdate( ctx ){
console.log( "onTextureUpdate" );
map.eventEmitter.on( Map.ON_LOAD_COMPLETE, onLoadComplete );
map.eventEmitter.on( Map.ON_TILE_LOADED, onTileLoaded );
map.eventEmitter.on( Map.ON_TEXTURE_UPDATE, onTextureUpdate );
//this would be where I live :)
var lat = o_lat = 48.854777;
var lon = o_lon = 2.317499;
var zoom = 16;
map.setView( lat, lon, zoom );
//it can be done in a loop
function update(){
var t = ( Math.sin( * 0.001 ) );
lat = o_lat;
lon = o_lon + t * .0025;
map.setView( lat, lon, zoom );
setInterval( update, 1000 / 60 );
// as the result is a canvas, it's possible
// to add post processing to map.ctx
function vignette( ctx )
//create a gradient
var w2 = map.width / 2;
var grd = ctx.createRadialGradient( w2, w2, 0.000, w2, w2, w2);
// Add colors
grd.addColorStop(0.000, 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.00 )');
grd.addColorStop(1.000, 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75 )');
// Fill with gradient
ctx.fillStyle = grd;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, map.width, map.height );
map.eventEmitter.on( Map.ON_TEXTURE_UPDATE, vignette );
npm module installation
npm install light-map --save
Python library to perform Mercator conversions
npm globalMercator
This content is released under the MIT License.