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Many to many relation

Open archansel opened this issue 8 years ago • 7 comments

The document only give example for one to many relationship, can I use search for many to many relationship?

For example: books have many to many relation with authors so I define another table book_author that contains the many to many relation


  • id
  • name
  • description


  • id
  • name


  • book_id
  • author_id

So, how can I search, book.description, and

archansel avatar May 24 '16 11:05 archansel


cmbirk avatar Jun 08 '16 23:06 cmbirk

I think it's possible already, you just need to add the many to many the relations manually in the joins array

 * Searchable rules.
 * @var array
protected $searchable = [
    'columns' => [
         '' => 10, 
         'book.description' => 10,
         '' => 5,
    'joins' => [
        'book_author' => ['', 'book_author.book_id'],
        'author' => ['book_author.author_id', ''],

Then you can add the Eloquent relationship with the with() method if you need access to the Author model


haleksandre avatar Jun 15 '16 15:06 haleksandre

@haleksandre thanks man, it works. This should be included in documentation

archansel avatar Jun 23 '16 08:06 archansel

@haleksandre you're solution seems good. But can't solve my problem though.

I used Conner\Tagging\Taggable package for tagging in my posts relations are like


id name description


id name slug count


taggable_id (just an integer not a foreign key) tag_slug tag_name

I've tried 'columns' => [ 'posts.title' => 10, 'posts.slug' => 10, 'tagging_tags.slug' => 2, '' => 1 ], 'joins' => [ 'tagging_tagged' => ['tagging_tagged.taggable_id',''], 'tagging_tags' => [ 'tagging_tags.slug','tagging_tagged.tag_slug'], ],

But some posts are appearing multiple times. any help would be appreciated @nicolaslopezj .

nowshad-sust avatar Mar 26 '17 21:03 nowshad-sust

@nowshad-sust I fixed adding a 'groupBy' => '', in the model's $searchable array

juandelperal avatar Sep 04 '17 14:09 juandelperal

Currently, I've the below table structure where project has 2 relations with users table one to one(General Contact) and many to many(Technical Contact). I have applied above solution but it search for only general contact / technical contacts not for both. How can set the configuration for both?

Projects id name general_contact(one user from users table) description


  • projects_id
  • users_id

Users id firstname lastname email password role

Here is the configuration which I've set

protected $searchable = [ 'columns' => [ '' => 1, 'users.first_name' => 2, 'users.last_name' => 2, ], 'joins' => [ 'projects_has_tech_users' => ['','projects_has_tech_users.projects_id'], 'users' => ['projects_has_tech_users.users_id', ''], 'users' => ['projects.general_contact', ''] ], 'groupBy'=>'' ];

rajenghorecha avatar Oct 22 '18 07:10 rajenghorecha

I've got the solution by giving the alias with the join table

protected $searchable = [
    'columns' => [
        '' => 1,
        'tech.first_name' => 3,
        'tech.last_name' => 3,
        'gen.first_name' => 3,
        'gen.last_name' => 3,
        'projects.description' => 4,
    'joins' => [
        'projects_has_tech_users' => ['','projects_has_tech_users.projects_id'],
        'users as tech' => ['projects_has_tech_users.users_id', ''],
        'users as gen' => ['projects.general_contact', '']

rajenghorecha avatar Oct 22 '18 14:10 rajenghorecha