42_cursus copied to clipboard
All the projects done while being a student of 42Urduliz, Bilbao.
42 Cursus
⚠️ Don't copy from this repository. I'm not that good and it's against the spirit of 42. Ask your classmates for help. I only created this repository to keep track of my progress. ⚠️
Outer Core
The Outer Core (elective module) projects I completed after completing the Common Core at 42Urduliz in Bilbao, Spain.
Name | Language | End date | Description | Estimated effort (h) | Validated |
multilayer_perceptron | Python | - | Use a neuronal network to predict whether a cancer is malignant or benign. | 98 | ❌ |
dslr | Python | July 2024 | Create an Harry Potter Sorting Hat algorithm implementing a linear classification model. | 98 | ✅ |
ft_linear_regression | Python | June 2024 | Predict the price of a car by using a linear function train with a gradient descent algorithm. | 70 | ✅ |
piscine_data_science | Python | March 2024 | Data Science fundamentals. | 35 | ❌ |
piscine_python_data_science | Python | March 2024 | Python fundamentals for Data Science. | 35 | ❌ |
ft_libasm | x86_64 assembly | February 2024 | Create a small library of x86_64 NASM functions. | 70 | ❌ |
Common Core
The Common Core (compulsory module) projects I completed while being a student at 42Urduliz campus in Bilbao, Spain.
Name | Language | End date | Description | Estimated effort (h) |
ft_transcendence 🕹️🌐 | NestJs + TypeScript React | December 2023 | Create an oline multiplayer Pong game with chat functionality. | 275 |
webserv 🌐 | C++/Python/HTML+CSS | June 2023 | Write your own HTTP server than can be tested with an actual browser | 175 |
~~ft_containers~~ | ~~C++~~ | Removed from Cursus | ~~Reimplement vector , map , and stack containers from the STL.~~ |
~~210~~ |
inception 🐳 | Docker | November 2022 | Set up a small infrastructure composed of different services under specific rules using Docker. | 210 |
cpp_modules | C++ | June 2023 | 10 "mini" projects to learn the basics of C++ (98 standard 👴) with a strong focus on OOP | ~10 days |
cube3D 🕹️ | C | August 2022 | Wolfenstein-inspired minigame using raycasting to fake a tridimensional view. Group project done in a separate repository with @isolinis | 280 |
net_practice | Unix | April 2022 | Configure small-scale networks to learn how networking and subnetting work | 50 |
minishell | C | February 2022 | Recreate a small Bash-inspired shell for UNIX. Group project done in a separate repository with @adelcor | 210 |
philosophers | C | December 2021 | 42's take on the classic Dining philosophers problem using threads and mutexes. | 70 |
push_swap | C | November 2021 | Given an array of random integers, two stacks, and a limited set of moves (e.g. rotate entire stack up or down), write to the console the smallest number of instructions required to sort the array. | 60 |
minitalk | C | October 2021 | Code a small data exchange program using UNIX signals (SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 ) and bitwise operations. A string is passed as parameter to the client, converted into binary, and sent to the server in form of signals (either 0 or 1 ), where the string is reconstructed and outputted. |
50 |
so_long 🕹️ | C | October 2021 | Create a small 2D game using the miniLibX API. Goal of the game is leaving the map in the shortest amount of moves after collecting all objects. | 60 |
ft_printf | C | September 2021 | Reproduce basic functioning of prinft function (flags implemented: %c , %s , %i , %d , %u , %x , %X , %p , %% ) |
70 |
get_next_line | C | August 2021 | Write a function which returns a line read from a file descriptor (bonus: multiple file descriptors without losing the reading thread on each of them) | 70 |
born2beroot | Unix | August 2021 | Create a virtual machine under specific instructions. Setting a minimal Debian server implementing strict rules, e.g. strong password policy, UFW firewall, SSH, etc. In the repo there's only a Bash script that had to be broadcasted to all users every 10 minutes using crontab and wall | 40 |
libft | C | July 2021 | Re-code useful C functions like split or join using only malloc , free , and write |
70 |