ansible-rails-deployment icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ansible-rails-deployment copied to clipboard

deploy projects using ansible


A role that executes common tasks when deploying ruby on rails applications.

Depends on prepare-release and finalize-release roles to checkout a new version from your git versioned application.

example usage:

- hosts: server
  user: app
  gather_facts: False
    user: app
    home_directory: "/home/{{ user }}"
    rails_env: "staging"
    deploy_to: "{{ home_directory }}"

      role: nicolai86.prepare-release

      repo: [email protected]:app
      branch: develop

        - { src: "{{ shared_path }}/vendor/bundle", dest: "{{ build_path }}/vendor/bundle" }
        - { src: "{{ shared_path }}/public/assets", dest: "{{ build_path }}/public/assets" }
        - { src: "{{ shared_path }}/log", dest: "{{ build_path }}/log" }
        - { src: "{{ shared_path }}/.env", dest: "{{ build_path }}/.env" }
        - { src: "{{ shared_path }}/config/database.yml", dest: "{{ build_path }}/config/database.yml" }

        - "{{ shared_path }}/config"

        - { src: "templates/env.js", dest: "{{ shared_path }}/.env" }

      tags: deploy

      role: nicolai86.rails-deployment

      migrate: yes
      compile_assets: yes
      force_migrate: no
      force_asset_compilation: no

      tags: deploy

      role: nicolai86.finalize-release

      tags: deploy

      role: restart

      service: application:*

        - deploy
        - rollback


Most parts of the role can be configured using variables. For example, if you are using rails but using SQL for schema management, you can easily configure rails-deployment to compare the structure.sql files instead of schema.rb like this:

  role: nicolai86.rails-deployment

  migrate: yes

    - { current: "{{ current_path }}/db/structure.sql", next: "{{ build_path }}/db/structure.sql" }

See defaults/main.yml for details about available variables.


  • all gem binaries (e.g. bundle, rake, rails) need to be locateable using the $PATH. Make sure to setup properly

If you are using rbenv to manage your ruby version make sure to properly set the environment using something like this:

  PATH: '~/.rbenv/shims:~/.rbenv/bin:"$PATH"'

important features:

  • it can be reused multiple times inside a single playbook for separate deployments.
  • works with rvm, rbenv or system ruby installations.
  • it's using a bare copy of the repository to deploy.
  • migration and asset compilation can be de-activated as needed.
  • only keeps 5 most recent deployments per default


  • you need to write your own restart handling