Grass-Simulation copied to clipboard
Repository of a grass simulation featuring geometric grass rendering, dynamic LOD with billboard grass, wind simulation and collision detection. Developed for my bachelor thesis.
There is no planned maintenance of this project.
Run with "Custom" Graphics Quality for 8xMSAA.
Hotkey Settings
W Move Forward
S Move Backward
A Move Left
D Move Right
LMB Rotate with Mouse Movement
C Switch between Free Camera and Camera Animation Path
Scene Management
Numpad1 Load High Settings and Reload Simulation
Numpad2 Load Normal Settings and Reload Simulation
Numpad3 Load Low Settings and Reload Simulation
Numpad4 Load Tessellation High Settings and Reload
Numpad5 Load Tessellation Low Settings and Reload
T Toggle Terrain Rendering
V Toggle Debug LOD Colors
N Force blossom rendering if blossoms are off. Only useful for debugging.
This ones only take effect after simulation reload:
B Toggle Blossoms
G Switch between Texture GrassMap Input and Uniform GrassMap Input
Numpad6 Set SimulationTexture Resolution to 8
Numpad7 Set SimulationTexture Resolution to 16
Numpad8 Set SimulationTexture Resolution to 32
Numpad9 Set SimulationTexture Resolution to 64
Collision Interaction
F Throw random sized Sphere from Camera Position
1 Spawn several Spheres at mid of map
2 Spawn several Cubes at mid of map
3 Spawn several Stanford Bunnys at mid of map
P Print Debug Info to Log File