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[BUG] Device Command with "/" in command name not creating switch
Describe the bug I have a device that is giving me the command InputDisc/Phono but it says "No function list found on startup when i try to make a switch to be able to select the input, because the "/" is a modifier to make toggle commands, so I can not select this because the "/" is a modifier to make toggle commands, so I can not select this input on my device.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior
Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
IOS (please complete the following information):
- Version
- Device:
Logs Your log in debug mode (-D option)
Config { "name": "Harmony Hub", "hubIP": "", "hubName": "Harmony Hub", "TVAccessory": false, "switchAccessories": false, "publishGeneralMuteSwitch": false, "publishGeneralVolumeSlider": false, "publishGeneralVolumeSwitches": false, "linkVolumeControlToTV": false, "publishSwitchActivitiesAsIndividualAccessories": true, "devicesToPublishAsAccessoriesSwitch": [ "NAD Amp|Power;PowerOn/PowerOff", "NAD Amp|Mute;Mute", "NAD Amp|Volume Up;VolumeUp", "NAD Amp|Volume Down;VolumeDown", "NAD Amp|Media Player;InputMp", "NAD Amp|Video;InputVideo", "NAD Amp|Turntable;InputDisc/Phono" ], "publishDevicesAsIndividualAccessories": false, "showCommandsAtStartup": true, "platform": "HarmonyHubWebSocket" },
Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.
thanks for reporting. Will try to sanitise names in order to be compliant. Meanwhile, can't you rename it in harmony app ?
I was not able to rename it, I had to create a new command in harmony hub from IR as a work around.
Ok right, if it is a pre learned you can't renamed . Will fix that asap
this one involves a lot of changes (probably going to json config instead of string based). Will postpone sorry.
Hey all, was just wondering if there were any updates regarding this issue 😊
Hi, like I said it involves a lot of changes in the plugin, and I don't have a lot of time to spend on it sorry.
Sure would be nice if this could be fixed. I have a number of devices that suffer from this problem.
Adding to this request, have the same issue for both zones of my Onkyo Amp.
Running into the same problem with an Onkyo Amp.
Could this be worked around by adding a \ in front of the /?
I changed the check in the code from / to \ and now I can add switches for commands with / in it.
That effectively changes the state control from slash to backslash, but I don’t care about that.