jQuery-PlacePicker copied to clipboard
A geocoding jQuery UI widget with support for Google Maps API v3 (and framework ready for others).
jQuery PlacePicker - 20100203
This plugin provides a widget that can be used with a geocoding service (and optionally a map interface) to allow users to search for and select locations.
jQuery 1.3.2 (maybe not, but haven't tested with other versions) jQuery UI 1.7.2 (ditto)
Optional Google Maps API v3 (http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false) (make sure to set the sensor parameter appropriately)
- Supports Google Map API v3 out of the box, framework for others
- Internationalization support
- Lightweight
- Automatically fill form fields with location data
Note: The included stylesheet pretties it up, but shouldn't be strictly required. That said, it will look like junk if you don't use any. ;D
Note: See examples directory for more details.
Given this HTML (style and script tags not shown):
You can apply the plugin like this: $( '#placepicker' ).placepicker( { // options, event handlers
// ex: enable display on map map: someMapObject, // where the map is a map object initialized earlier
// ex: enable form fill form: $( 'form' ) // this parameter is a jQuery object containing the form
// ex: make map clickable to select location clickable: true
} );
- Better location detail parsing (in Google Plugin; they need to standardize their geocoder response!)
Let me know if you find others: [email protected]