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Python client library for the Auphonic REST API

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Python Library for Auphonic

This Python class simplifies interaction with the Auphonic REST API. This is useful for podcasters and other professional audio producers to clean up your audio files before publication.

Contact information:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @nickrusso42518

  • Usage
  • Methods
  • Reference files
  • Testing


Simply import the Auphonic class from the module within your script:

from auphonic import Auphonic
auphonic = Auphonic(username="your_account", password="abc123")

If you intend to use this program from the shell, you can export these environment variables. The input directory is optional and will default to test_files/ if left unspecified. Output files are written to a new directory named auphonic-results/ in your input directory. This would be test_files/auphonic-results/ by default.

export AUPHONIC_USERNAME=<your username>
export AUPHONIC_PASSWORD=<your password>
export AUPHONIC_INPUT_DIR=<where to find input files>

If you've defined these environment variables, you can save yourself some Python data loading using the following class-level method:

from auphonic import Auphonic
auphonic = Auphonic.build_from_env_vars()

With either construction method, you can specify a keyword argument named log_level to set the standard Python logging level. The Auphonic class only uses INFO, but lower level libraries may include DEBUG as well.

The script is a sample that consumes the Auphonic class in a simple and clear way. This is a good starting point to test.


To see everything that is available, clone the repository and use the built-in help() function to explore. This will load a man page styled document. There's no point in copying all the in-code documentation here.

>>> import auphonic
>>> help(auphonic)

Reference files

The data_ref/ directory contains sample JSON responses from the various HTTP requests. These files are intuitively named and need no explanation. There are also .txt files which represent sample log outputs to see "what right looks like".


To simplify testing both for CI and for manual executions, a GNU Makefile with phony targets is used. Use the following shortcuts to test the playbook. It is recommend to run all tests immediately after cloning to save yourself the pain of discovering bugs during development.

  • make lint: Runs pylint for linting and black for code formatting
  • make conn: Test API connectivity without spending any credits.
  • make run: Runs the script and prints the resulting files
  • make clean: Removes *.pyc files and produced Auphonic files. DO NOT use this for daily operations, generally only for testing.
  • make or make test: Runs clean lint run in that order
  • make ftest: A quick "free" test that doesn't upload audio files, but runs linting and API connectivity checks.