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Tool which helps you to create clear mobile architecture in React.js
Tool which helps you to create clear mobile architecture in React.js
If you are building big web application with different components for desktop / mobile + tablet (landscape and portrait), after some time you'll face with lots of problems.
npm i react-mobile-app -S
First, it will be too much code in one place
Secondly, how can you manage it, when user will change device orientation and your application should handle it completely rebuilding frontend?
For clear components-based architecture I propose to use the following approach
import { mobileDetector } from 'react-mobile-app'
import { ComponentDesktop } from './Component.desktop'
import { ComponentMobilePortrait } from './ComponentMobile.portrait'
import { ComponentMobileLandscape } from './ComponentMobile.landscape'
import { ComponentTabletPortrait } from './ComponentTablet.portrait'
import { ComponentTabletLandscape } from './ComponentTablet.landscape'
export const Component = mobileDetector(
[ComponentMobilePortrait, ComponentMobileLandscape],
[ComponentTabletPortrait, ComponentTabletLandscape]
So this's it, ground zero.
How I can use it, extended version
import { mobileDetector } from 'react-mobile-app'
[ComponentMobilePortrait?, ComponentMobileLandscape?],
[ComponentTabletPortrait?, ComponentTabletLandscape?]
has only required param mobileDetector(ComponentDesktop)
for the desktop view
If you skip any other parameters it will work in the following way
mobileDetector(ComponentDesktop, [ComponentMobilePortrait])
ComponentDesktop for all mobile devices representation, ignore orientation and device type (mobile / tablet) -
mobileDetector(ComponentDesktop, [ComponentMobilePortrait, ComponentMobileLandscape])
Both presentations (landscape / portrait) but ignoring device type (mobile / tablet) -
mobileDetector(ComponentDesktop, [ComponentMobilePortrait, ComponentMobileLandscape], [ComponentTabletPortrait])
For mobile presented two different orientaion (landscape / portrait) but for the tablet it'll be one view -
mobileDetector(ComponentDesktop, [ComponentMobilePortrait, ComponentMobileLandscape], [ComponentTabletPortrait])
Full version - mobile / tablet presented in two orientaions (landscape / portrait)
orientationDetector (dynamic rebuild component by the orientation change)
You can easy detect orientation changes using orientationDetector
import { orientationDetector } from 'react-mobile-app'
orientationDetector(portrait, landscape)
Show component only for specific device
If you have this component only for desktop presentation, it can easy by the onlyDesktop
In any other case it will be () => null
is non-required param
import { onlyForDesktop, onlyForMobile, onlyForTablet } from 'react-mobile-app'
const desktopComponent = onlyForDesktop(desktop)
const mobileComponent = onlyForMobile(portrait, landscape)
const tabletComponent = onlyForTablet(portrait, landscape)
If you want to use low-lvl API
You can find the next helpfull methods under the hood
const isMobile = (): boolean => Boolean
const isTablet = (): boolean => Boolean
const matchMediaQuery = (): MediaQueryList => window.matchMedia('(orientation: landscape)')
const isLandscape = (): boolean => matchMediaQuery().matches
const mobileDetect: MobileDetect = new MobileDetect(navigator.userAgent)
You can import anything what you need
import {
} from 'react-mobile-app'
With redux
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { mobileDetector } from 'react-mobile-app'
import { action } from './reducer'
import { ComponentDesktop } from './Component.desktop'
import { ComponentMobilePortrait } from './ComponentMobile.portrait'
import { ComponentMobileLandscape } from './ComponentMobile.landscape'
import { ComponentTabletPortrait } from './ComponentTablet.portrait'
import { ComponentTabletLandscape } from './ComponentTablet.landscape'
const mapStateToProps = props => ({ ...props })
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
action: () => dispatch(action())
const Component = connect(
[ComponentMobilePortrait, ComponentMobileLandscape],
[ComponentTabletPortrait, ComponentTabletLandscape]
With React-Storybook
Use Storybook for easy UI development
You can configurate it for different flow on mobile and desktop
import React from 'react'
import { configure } from '@storybook/react'
import { isMobile, isTablet } from 'react-mobile-app'
const desktopContext = () => require.context('../src', true, /\.((?!mobile)|(?!tablet))\..*\.story\.js$/)
const mobileContext = () => require.context('../src', true, /\.mobile\.story\.js$/)
const tabletContext = () => require.context('../src', true, /\.tablet\.story\.js$/)
const calculateContext = () => {
if (isMobile()) {
return mobileContext()
if (isTablet()) {
return desktopContext()
const ctx = calculateContext()
function loadStories() {
configure(loadStories, module)
Then you can easily add specific stories to your filesystem mobile and tablet
May the force be with you!